
Brian, as someone who actually lives there and has to deal with this stuff firsthand, what are your thoughts or opinions on this development?

What does toxic even mean anymore if this move is both bullshit AND toxic? Is it now just a catch all buzzword for ‘anything that made me upset’?

I think the true effects of Activision acquiring Blizzard are now starting to be seen. They’ve always trumpeted that Activision is ‘hands off’ but I doubt it’s a coincidence that the new CEO left Activision to be there, not do I think they just happened to decide a shit tier mobile game was a great way to continue the 

Ergheiz has a fantastic roguelike dungeon crawler which was the main draw of the game imo. 


Hell yeah! I love promoting racial violence as long as it’s progressive racial violence!

Holy FUCK what’s wrong with you dude or dudette, you call them Hispanic Heritage Firearm Disagreements now, it’s motherfucking 2018 get some sensitivity. 

Before I quit WoW (mid Cataclysm), I dabbled in botting since I had no intention of ever playing again. It actually grew out of a way to just avoid being AFK logged because I was hunting a rare spawn for a mount and had an alarm set to blare if it spawned, but had no way to avoid being auto logged out of the game.

Good trick considering you can’t even get a horse until 30 minutes or more into the game. 

That sounds truly awful. 

That sounds truly awful. 

No analog sticks = no MGS. They're pretty integral to the game. 

Two men are in a relationship with the same woman. Neither man is gay or bi, and everyone involved is aware and accepting of the situation. One of the men is married to the woman, one is the live in boyfriend. He’s not included in the finances but he does pay rent, and the expectation is that the relationship is long

Because the best way to oppose one idiot with no qualifications is to elect different unqualified, but opposed, idiots. 

Can’t you literally buy battle pass levels?

While I’m well aware I’m shadow-banned and you won’t even see this, it’s good to see you back. Always liked your articles. Sorry to hear about the wheelchair situation, but luckily you have a job where it’s not a huge detriment to your career. Glad to see that you’re alive and doing well.

Next Tuesday. PS+ games are always the first Tuesday of the month.

I’ve seen this performed live 3-4 times at the video games live concert circuit and it’s always an amazing song to hear done live. Whoever they get for the concerts always nails the main vocals.

The ironic hypocrisy of this blog never ceases to amuse me.

Well, if you’re being serious and not just facetious, the difference here is that the people he called out were racists and assholes and not just a normal guy asking a question. But I doubt you were being serious or even really know what you’re referencing.

So, did she or did she not express happiness at the death of someone suffering from cancer?