

It’s shitty that MP is doing all this crap with no notice and not only applying it to new accounts, but...

There are TONS of typos in this article. That particular sentence is missing a word.

I might finally try this again. I’ll use the inevitable DLC + previous content release to get it on PC finally.


Fight Knight looks like a better game for pixel punching.

It’s not like they keep a list of everything you’re running or have run. It simply scans what you’re running and if any of them match up with the blacklist, logs the date, time, the blacklisted program, and the duration of your session.

Sony only made one of those games. Wild ARMs is/was made by Media.Vision and Dark Cloud was of course from the inimitable Level 5.

I’ve been hearing these here and there as well, I just assumed they were part of the background world building that Ubi used to explain the garbage ending.

Yes. That happens a lot. It’s connected to the ending of the game in a way, and also explains why you can spend weeks in a remote part of Montana fighting a cult that’s looting, killing, and kidnapping without any help from outside the area.

Just like people criticized Kickstarter, I’m going to point out that it’s very, very easy to spot games that are going to be bad and games that are just trying to get your money with just a little bit of research.

As a fat person losing weight, you can fuck right off. Being fat is unhealthy and telling someone it’s okay to be fat is telling someone you don’t care if they’re miserable, feel like shit all the time, or if they die young.

Plenty of great survival games came out of the DayZ boom. Some of them are still coming out. SubNautica is a survival game, for instance. It’s not a zombie game at all, but I don’t think it’d have been made without the survival genre hitting it big.

That actually sounds like a BR game I could get into.

It’s not about Fortnight so much as him saying ‘Who would pay for this game when there are high quality free offerings anyone can get’.

I read the whole review. That’s how I know he didn’t even bother learning how to play the game, then complained about mechanics he didn’t understand. If you had even bothered reading the second sentence of my three sentence post, you’d know that.

If you use a real weapon, you can also just block that flash and keep doing what you’re doing. (I main GL with DS as a secondary...)

That is not why he got raked over the coals. He got rightfully criticized because he chose to review a game series he doesn’t like and went on to bitch about a bunch of shit that isn’t even true, showing that he didn’t understand how to play the game. Even XC2 fans agree that the game constantly drags on with

Ha, man, I bet the day you guys fell under the fucking Gawker umbrella was a dark day. Look at these thin skinned whiners.

Haha! Women who abuse men are hilarious!