
I think the ending was quite well done, myself. I actually got a little choked up on the campfire scene where Noctis really came to grips with the fact that he was going to have to die and leave everything behind. He was still only 16 or whatever at heart, after all, having been in the crystal for 10 years.

you’re not going to get your money back If you buy a digital game from either of those sources either.

It’s Advance Wars, you know.

Yes sir, day one bargain bin, just like the SotC remake.

lol, come on man. Everyone was saying he wouldn’t make it the first 6 months, then the first year, now it’s the next year. He’s gonna go the whole 4 because for some reason being a narcissistic idiot isn’t an impeachable offense.

Remember when 10 year olds got on Kotaku and left Kinja comments about things they clearly know nothing about? Me too, it was on 2/27/18 at 3:49pm.

No, I totally agree. These horrible, eye-rending graphical issues are surely the downfall of this port, and since you’re still dealing with the emotional fallout from seeing such horrible, pixelated mangling of your childhood, it’s understandable that you would completely misunderstand where I pointed out that the

It’s really too bad that the forest tiling issues on the world map have just destroyed all the great gameplay and music that Chrono Trigger is known for. I really hope SE can address this major issue quickly so that people can put this horrible game ruining tragedy to bed and finally move on with their lives.

Yeah, I love Dunkey and I think he’s a great content producer. This video definitely hasn’t been edited to make MGSU look incredibly boring compared to MGS5 or anything, and definitely doesn’t only include footage from the first hour of the game before you get any new equipment.

You can say ‘I don’t like this kind of game.’ without playing it. You can’t really say a game is ‘desperate, shameless bullshit’ when your only metric is “Daddy Kojima got fired and I’m mad about that”.

So what? That’s not what my comment said. I said it’s a pretty fun and well made game. I couldn’t give two shits if they reuse assets from MGS5. MGS5 looked amazing.

I mean, have you even played it? It’s actually a pretty fun and well-made game. But I guess just go on irrationally hating a corporation for doing what corporations do.

Yeah, what a shame that the game is actually pretty fun...

That is petty, and the game is actually pretty fun. Metal Gear belongs to Konami, not Kojima, so they can do whatever they want with it.

It’s not explained well in the anime, but he basically earned that intervention by being a good person to his friends. Also there was some alternate world bullshit, but whatever.

That’s not how Clannad is. They’re just his (and Nagisa’s) friends. I think one of them has a crush on him that she squashes because she sees that he’s super into Nagisa. He never shows any interest in any of the other girls, and they never try to undermine his relationship with Nagisa.

Clannad is pretty lighthearted, but you better do some emotional hardening reps before you get deep into season 2.

Harem animes are typified by tons of supposedly desirable archtype girls all fawning over one guy who is too much of a loser to pick one of them, leading to a bunch of stupid hijinks and fanservice until the final episode where he still hasn’t picked a girl but maybe there’s one he actually likes enough to tell her

This season’s Koi wa Ameagari no You ni is turning out surprisingly good, but I can see a lot of people, especially on this super touchy website, being put off by the premise of a 17 year old girl falling for her 45 year old manager.

It’s not harem at all. The game obviously let you pursue any of the girls in the game, but in the anime Tomoya leans hard into Nagisa immediately and he never deviates from that. He is still friends with all the other girls (and his useless bro) but he never even makes a pass at them in either season. The second