
Starting off with a vagina joke and right into the sassy black woman. All my predictions come true.

Yeah, the Asian stereotypes were way better.

Jesus christ, hyperbole much?

Whoa man, maybe loosen one of those ten scarves.

Maybe we’re less hung up on owning a physical disc that’s going to break, degrade, or get lost. Now go listen to your vinyl and cry about how much better everything used to be.

Yeah, I just hate it when I’m doing something illegal and get caught.

I don’t know about Ultima Underworld, but you can still see the ripples in games today caused by the big splashes that were System Shock 2 and Deus Ex. I don’t think you can point and say ‘but he’s just doing same old same old’ until we see what System Shock 3 is bringing to the table.

My parents taught me from a young age that if I buy without doing research first, I deserve to be fleeced. I have applied this smart bit of critical thinking for most of my life now and funnily enough, it’s never steered me wrong yet.

And I repeat my question once more: why does it matter? I don’t go to Steam to find games, I go to Steam to buy games I’ve heard about elsewhere. I don’t NEED Steam to curate their store because I have reddit and a million other sources that find games for me, if I’m not already aware of them in the first place. No

‘There is a massive difference between being connected by choice when and if you need to be and then having to be so you can something at all with a purchase.”

Just like you have none.

Never had a problem with their CS, never had an issue buying a game I wanted from their store, and Valve is not responsible for the quality of games people make. I’d prefer an open storefront of the walled garden of shit that Apple ‘curates’. Not like iOS isn’t full of shitty clones as well.

I like GOG. I own quite a few games on their platform. I just put it out there because that seems to be the site all the DRM neckbeards rally behind, like Steam is incredibly oppressive and intrusive.

Why is it any of our business what Valve does with their money? It’s a privately held company. It’s not like they’re funding terrorism or human trafficking.

Never had a problem with them since 2006. They even refunded me a game I had already played, long before they instituted their quite generous refund policy. Accidentally bought the wrong version of that year’s MTG game and didn’t find out til the title screen; asked for refund so I could buy the right edition and had

As usual, I can’t tell if this is satire or not. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it is, because no one ever ACTUALLY says this without a complete sense of hyperbole.

And what, pray tell, is wrong with it?

Says you. I love it and deeply appreciate that Valve basically brought PC gaming back into the mainstream by creating a unified backend that isn’t obtrusive and makes it easy to get all my content in one spot and communicate with the friends I have.

I played through the whole game twice already and never realized until now that the Vipers were supposed to be female. I just thought they were revealed Thin Men.