
Yes really. They have big heads, are stupid and worthless, and contribute nothing to society. Sounds like they fit the definition to me.

I might try this, but the first time they send me one of those retarded Funko Pop figures it’s getting cancelled.

They have one of those too.

No one who is paying attention cares about that gutted piece of trash anymore.

FYI, AGDQ is a twice yearly event. There’s Winter AGDQ and Summer AGDQ. Pretty sure it was the last three events to top $1m per event, not the last three years.

Those are some pretty harsh comments. While neither That Dragon or Gone Home are really games, they’re certainly interactive experiences worth...experiencing. Well, That Dragon is. I didn’t get anything out of Gone Home except bored. But TD,C had me cutting onions pretty quickly.

The difference is that ‘clock boy’ was actually being racially discriminated against and this was a coding mistake brought on by government level mandates for an entirely different product. The most he’s going to get is a guaranteed entry into the beta.

So he’s not satisfied with their perfectly satisfactory response, AND his immediate reaction was to shout ‘Islamophobia’ to the world on twitter despite the fact that this has nothing to do with Islam, was an unfortunate byproduct of re-using code meant to force compliance with US law, AND his name was on a verifiable

This game does exist, it’s based on the Nickelodeon aesthetic, there’s a kind of ‘open world’ feel to the maps, although it’s not truly open world, and it kinda feels like a Platinum-lite kind of game, probably because it’s aimed at a younger crowd.

I wanted to try this game, but the fanbase has ruined it for me. Not in a spoiler way, but in a way where they constantly talk about it, badger me to play it, and make all their reasons for liking it sound incredibly trite and immature. I’m sure it’s a perfectly fun little game, but it doesn’t hold the secret of life

Good luck finding a 1.76 console in the wild.

I’ve been playing FF since FF2/4 and FF8 is the second best FF after FF6. Go fuck yourself.

Can you not read? This exploit was fixed a long time ago.

Buddy, I got both and I far prefer my PS4, so go ahead and check your fanboy attitude at the door. The fact is that PS+ has offered basically nothing but no-name indie titles for almost half a year at this point, while MS has given away full titles non-stop (as well as BC X360 titles, not a huge deal but where’s my

I thought for sure after some very weak showings the past few months from Sony, coupled with some uncharacteristically strong offerings from Microsoft, that Sony would up their game in the new year. I see that I have been mistaken once more.

It’s...nothing like PSO? At all. Other than you’re spacefaring humans with some advanced weaponry.

I think it’s telling that I have played and completed every title on this list multiple times except for Trails in the Sky.

I mean, I feel bad for the kid, but it’s hard to find a WHOLE LOT of pity in my heart for a family that can spare an entire extra room just for toys and recreation. And it’s not like he didn’t get his present and then some later.

TitS is one of the most boring and unfulfilling RPGs I have ever played. It’s not the worst, because I’ve played Tecmo’s Secret of the Stars and a few other stinkers, but it’s completely beyond me how this game gets the praise that it does. I’ve given it no less than three tries between the PSP and the Steam release