
Bad plan; FF7 is not that good a game and has not held up well. Someone playing it for the first time today would definitely not be reeled in like you were in 1997 when you were 12 years old.

First of all, your exclusives comment is pure opinion. I think Halo is boring garbage, and I live with a 343i engineer who agrees with me. I can’t actually name any other exclusives because, despite owning an X1, none of them made an impression on me. Sunset Overdrive, maybe?

Haha, the X1 barely managed to beat the PS4 for 1 month and it’s suddenly the ‘highest selling platform’. XD

Now playing

That’s okay, I really like this one. So I guess you can like that one.

Now playing

I like the Uldah day theme, but the night theme is one of the best pieces of music I’ve ever heard in a game.

I love Picross, and the energy meter won’t really affect how I play, it’s very much a now and then game for me. I do dislike that you probably have to repeat puzzles in order to get the necessary in game currency and unlock new puzzles...

Anita Sarkeesian is not a game critic. Please don’t invite her to vote on games. She doesn’t play games. She doesn’t care about games. All she cares about is making the dollars by drumming up controversy. She doesn’t know the first thing about game design, art design, sound, or story.

*I had a lot of stuff written here, but I’ve agreed to an NDA and I think it’s better not to risk it.*

Well, because it’s an RPG. If every dude you came across went down in just a few shots, you wouldn’t be able to do very much to make the player feel like they’re growing more powerful.

Hmmm, I can’t say too much about it, but I will say that if you have good aim and remember that it’s an RPG at it’s heart, they won’t feel TOO bad.

Man, Capcom really nailed it with most of their NES soundtracks. This was a kickass theme even when I was 7 years old and playing it on a tinny old 14” SDTV.

Oh, how awful it was of them to put in a system that reminds bad players that they’re bad, instead of padding that information so that they can tell themselves otherwise.

Okay yes, sorry, I meant ‘why can’t I choose a specific spot to move to when I’m attacking instead of having to let the AI choose which spot I stand in to attack’, because it doesn’t make any fucking sense. If I can move and attack, why can’t I move, then attack?

If an enemy is there, I fight it. That’s how JRPGs work. Instead of having a shitty battle system and then giving players the option to opt out, why not make the battle system interesting to begin with? For instance, the ability to move without attacking so that you can ACTUALLY be tactical in their ‘tactical’ fights?

Please stop. Maybe the story and characters are great, but the awful (awful, AWFUL) battle system just absolutely ruins the game. When I stop playing a game after 6 hours because I can’t handle a single additional battle with the same three generic enemies again, there’s a problem.

It could have been worse; you could have gotten tattoos.

TBH I have jettisoned most memories of that book, so I couldn’t tell you. It’s kind of like after I read all of Battlefield Earth, which I started to hate halfway through but couldn’t stop reading because of the time I had already invested, so when I finished it I just threw it in the garbage and never thought about

Hey, I read that! :D

Maybe because they want to still get achievements while also not scrounging for caps?

Ewwww. Amazon was my favorite class because it absolutely destroyed everything in the game, but that figure is gross in a way that the art is not.