
Hey, was that version of Get Smart any good? I never got around to seeing it yet.

So it isn’t just Lara Croft’s Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day 2?

I’m sure this will take a measured stance and examine the issues both sides have with the other and present each of them as they are instead of the incredibly demonized vision each side has of the other.

Congratulations on being the guy who thinks your fun is more important than other people’s fun, and you’re going to have fun even at their expense.

Looks like my time in the beta will be all the time I ever spend with this game.

Sounds awful. Like, truly awful.

It looks great until the logo for Warcraft at the end, and then it kinda feels like a joke.

Ignoring everyone and playing to the best of your ability without being distracted by their constant tirade of bullshit is not ‘being an ass’. Being an ass is trying to get people to do what you think is right, even though what you think is right is clearly going to lead to a wipe at Baron and a loss shortly after.

I can’t tell if you’ve ever played the game, let alone solo queue. It literally is 1v9 almost every game the entire way from Silver->Plat. Everyone thinks they’re gonna be the next world champion and never bothers to actually get good at the game, blames everyone but themselves for stupid mistakes, (got ganked, it

They didn’t do it on purpose, but the fact of the matter is when you’re playing with a team of random people, in order to win more than 50% of the time you have to become incredibly skilled personally in order to make up for the the shitters you’re inevitably going to have on your team, who will (it sometimes seems)

Nice try. I’ve never spent a dime on unlocking playables in League of Legends and have a stable of over 90 champs to choose from, most of which I bought in the first few months of playing the game. In fact I have a surplus of in-game currency now because I don’t like any of the champs that have come out in the last

Might as well say that AdBlock exists because creating more and more intrusive and annoying ads has consequences.

Everyone else seems to hate it, but I really liked Tomodachi Life’s quirkiness. It’s free, so I don’t see the issue here...?

Is your metric for playing a game really ‘is it inclusive’ and not ‘is it fun/good’?

He straight out says the story is still a convoluted mess that invents fake reasons for you to mingle with ‘real’ people. I can pretty much guarantee you that the story plays second fiddle to the map full of pointless bullshit to complete, collect, or see.

Sounds like another AC game, which to me is a perfect reason to ignore it’s existence.

Probably because it’s been out since April.

Looks like a newer version of ‘Escape Velocity: Nova’, one of the best top down space sims ever made.

So are you an idiot at home too, or is this just an Internet thing?

It’s almost like I said live streams, AND specified that archives can be pulled, in my very first post.