
It pains me to take you out of the greys by replying to you, but did you maybe stop to think that I already own the majority of the games on this list because they’re either old, or cheap, or old and cheap, OR they’ve already been guest stars on multiple Humble Bundles? No? You didn’t think of that?

Wow, that’s...pretty disappointing.

Nah, all the h-scenes are fairly straightforward. Other than sometimes it’s a sentient pile of mud, or a harpy, or whatever.

Probably ‘any Western civilization that feels like they have the right to police other countries values and culture’.

It’s almost like every country in the world has their own distinct culture and that your own culture doesn’t actually have any real influence on what is considered acceptable or not when you leave your borders.

If you’re not scared of the anime boobies, you should check out Kamidori Alchemy Meister. I enjoyed it more than some FE games.

Kamidori Alchemy Meister (I think that was the name) was a rock solid and incredibly fun SRPG that also featured hardcore h-scenes. One of your earliest party members is a mud golem that literally looks like a pile of mud, but at one point (of course) it matures into a beautiful anime girl (who is still made of mud).

At rank 2 you get the Legendary Fusion Rifle Susanoo. At rank 3 you get a class specific weapon. Not sure after that.

Well, for an answer that doesn’t sound like it came from an asshole...

Really? I only run a single character, and they ceased dropping for me after I turned in the fourth one. I’ve put in a good 20 hours since then at least, mostly in Patrol.

Well if you’re supposed to hoard them, everyone who turned them in is fucked, because they don’t drop again. Obviously that’s not going to be the answer.

Good article on the eve of the release of what will probably be the last VITA game I ever buy, P4DAN.

If it was so good, it’d be on the list.

I’s a Japanese cartoon made for Japanese people. I think it’s actually more likely that it just has a shit opening that no one liked enough to vote for it.

Apparently it has a shit opening. The show didn’t interest me at all, so I don’t know.

They aren’t ‘focusing’ on PVP. They’re using it to balance the game and build their AI.

This is Kotaku, and in particular, ultra-hipster Jason Schrier. It’s a lot harder to get everyone up in arms when you don’t ignore the facts.

I backed it, and while I am disappointed that the date has slipped so far and there was no communication, I’m not all that upset about them using PvP testing to balance the game, although I AM worried that it will lead to a game like Banner Saga, which I hated because both sides were exactly the same in every fight.

Just gonna stick with my initial observation that it’s the infinity symbol, symbolizing the amount of bullshit they’ve crammed into the series that only has two mainline games.

If you want that scene, get in any dumpster and smoke the Phantom Cigar until you don’t have any charges left. I guarantee you’ll get the flies.