
Unless you already own the original, there’s no way to buy TTK separate. So while, yes, you do need the original to play it, any version you buy will include the original release (and the first two expansions.)

Is there any news on if the Wii U version will be getting the content that’s so far new to the 3DS version? I’m guessing not, but I can wish.

Well that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

I have been banned from Polygon several times for making comments like this.

Well, Mr. Snark, when art is ‘stylized’ it’s rendered as something recognizable as it’s original form but still extremely different. For example, the classic 5 pointed ‘star’ that everyone recognizes from Super Mario is a stylized rendition of a star, even though in reality a star is a huge ball of never ending fire.

Can’t see Lemongrab without thinking of Morty anymore. He could have at least changed the voice a little.

Amazing art on display from Vanillaware as usual. And wow, just look at those mostly realistic body proportions. It’s almost like the Dragon’s Crown characters were all highly stylized in a certain fantasy style or something.

I’m pretty sure that’s supposed to be an infinity symbol. It stands for the amount of bullshit they’re going to pack into the releases between 2 and 3.

I’m almost positive they already made a multiplayer RE shooter on the PS3? That sucked?

It’s supposedly coming out sometime this Fall in America as a PSN only digital download. I’ll believe it when I’m playing it thanks to SEGA’s continued bullshit with PSO2.

What do you mean ‘now’? Kotaku and Gawker in general have posted this kind of junk for ages.

I’m not a hardcore collector, but I wanted a lot of amiibo because I like the character or game that they’re from. Unfortunately, those are all the rarest amiibo, of course.

I doubt most of the people playing are actually racist or hateful, but it is extremely frustrating to just randomly explode into ink because a 600 ping difference player charge shot you before you could even see them.

Surprised at the amount of people here who think WoD drama stories are in any way exceptional. That’s the kind of people who PLAYED tabletop WoD. WoD was for furry misfits before there was tumblr or reddit.

But did you watch Clannad yet!? That’s where the real feels are.

Wow, a Compile Heart game that isn’t complete shit on the VITA?

Yeah man, Hawking probably didn’t think about what might happen on the other side at all.

So, in the video, he was talking about using a cheat device like Gameshark...

It’s almost as if we’re a nation built on laws and that everyone ostensibly enjoys the protection of those laws, no matter what uneducated fedora tippers think.

It was impossible to S rank a mission if you had Reflex Mode active and got spotted. You could still get an S rank if you turned it off and reacted quickly on your own initiative though.