
No, there aren’t...?

They said like a year and a half ago that they are no longer going to give out physical skin codes at any events because of the reselling issue that goes on with them.

The data is skewed by including cellphone gaming, which usually has no online multiplayer or voice chat options and captures a huge swathe of the ‘gaming population’, IMO.

Since China rips off successful products every day, I’d say the real news here is that they actually have their own version of Kickstarter? Presumably because the rest of the world knows better.

Halo did not revolutionize the FPS genre. It simply took the idea of a story focused FPS from the PC to the console, as was stated in the original post. Half-Life revolutionized the FPS genre. Halo has never been a trailblazer in any respect.

Most of these stories read like they’re from people who thought they were trolls but were really just assholes and no one liked them in their chosen communities.

Good luck finding any comments from me about the person in the story, because there aren’t any. My first and only comment on the story was my original reply to you expressing disbelief that anyone could actually think that this sort of behavior could ever be acceptable or expected by an adult. The fact that you’ve

Speaking totally honestly, I can’t think of a single time in my life I have acted in the manner described in this article outside of maybe some tantrums as a 2-5 year old. It’s simply not a thing normal people do. The fact that you think this degree of fuckery is not only possibly warranted but something everyone does

No amount of shit in the world entitles anyone to act this way to other people who are treating you in a more than reasonable and respectful manner.

Looking forward to being able to play Shadow Complex again.

I have a cat that has never met a dog and acts basically the same; sleeps with me on the bed all night, refuses to be in a different room than me for more than a few minutes if she can help it, and greets me at the door when I come home every day no matter how long ago I left (I think she knows what my car locks sound

That art is a level of terrible I haven’t seen since the Vandal Hearts remake on PSN. Holy SHIT is that bad.

PS+ used to have a much stronger monthly selection. Since the launch of the PS4 it has degenerated mostly into art games and indie releases.

In this context ‘bro-douche’ is shorthand for ‘normal, non-autistic person who stands out from the general speedrunning community by virtue of his normalcy’.

I love SGDQ and watch it every time they have a marathon, which I believe is 2x a year. And every time there’s a marathon there’s a new crop of cringe videos. From the whispered ‘I’ll kill everyone in the audience’ guy to the ‘please stop speedrunning’ cancer girl.

Yeah, being a bro-douche is WAY worse than the super cringey ‘I’ve never talked to normal people before’ general run of the mill speedrunners.

You could begin with the fact that you missed what he actually said. And then you can end there, too.

Only if you’re randomly assigned those modifiers.

It must be rough to have such a weak sense of self that you can’t handle being another gender in a video game.

How common is it for a dishonest mechanic to break something else, or almost break something else, on purpose, while working to fix an unrelated issue? On two occasions I’ve taken a vehicle to a mechanic for an issue, had it fixed, and then had a huge issue pop up within a week or two of getting the vehicle back.