
Her left eye is freaking me out, it doesn’t seem to be matching up right with the right one. Probably a trick of the angle or something.

They stumbled once at the beginning of the PS3 generation when they were sure that people would just remain loyal to them no matter what, after innovating and improving with the PS1 through the end of the PS2, and again showing that they can fix their fuckups with the launch of the PS4 which has been a huge success.

I find it odd that you call the PS4 UI, which is fairly clean a ‘weird mishmash of video, ad and store’ when that’s exactly what the Xbone UI is.

Maybe some examples would work for you? Like, because the PS4 is extremely simple compared to the fugly mess that the X1 serves up.

Uh, the PS2-PS3 debacle proves my point exactly. Sony got complacent and lost their console leader status. They figured it out and got things right and then it was Microsoft’s turn to suffer under the hubris that past success would guarantee future success.

As for why they didn’t do a check on the DMCA complainant, well, that’s pretty much par for the course. One of the most ridiculous parts of the whole DMCA thing is that you’re assumed guilty until you can prove that you’re innocent, and you have no recourse for any lost revenue (this mostly applies to youtubers)

I mean, I use them both every day, and I can say by far that the PS4 is a better and more intuitive dashboard. I don’t think anyone who actually understands design or UI/UX could possibly think otherwise.

20 dollars cheaper for a year of PSN, I believe, plus the cards go on sale constantly. Also the free games program is way better.

You should be, the current Xbone dash is an abomination. It’s a rainbow puke of useless information, advertising, and non-intuitive design.

You don’t remain the leader without constantly innovating and improving your brand. I’m pretty sure most brand executives know that.

So to you, pointless notifications are more important than a network that works?

Seems like they should ask for a network that’s actually stable before asking for useless shit like offline/online notifications. I couldn’t care less when my friends are signing in and out and the last thing I need is a constant string of popups on my screen telling me when they’re doing so.

Man, you didn’t use any of my 170-star reply from the original question. :(

Uh, yes.

You can’t stop playing it? I can’t even START playing it. Thanks PSN! Worth the $50 a year.

I imagine they wouldn’t be ‘patting themselves on the back’ and ‘treating it like a Pokemon feature’ if certain groups hadn’t made such a huge deal about missing this feature in previous Nintendo games. It seems less like them crowing about it and patting their own backs then preemptively shutting down the

So, yeah, that’s totally illegal and trespassing. And the ‘tattooed’ guy should have known better, controlled access buildings ALWAYS tell you (every fucking DAY) in the daily mail or whatever to make sure no one follows you inside without swiping their card or whatever, because you’re responsible for anyone who

You’ll probably complain again when it turns out she isn’t dead, but then Scarecrow throws her off a building and Batman has to save her. She should have used her legs as a makeshift glider, then swooped around to defeat all the bad guys by being a Strong Independent Woman all up in their faces.

There’s a DLC where you play as the classic Red Hood (with the actual hoodie), but in the main plot arc of the game, he wears a blue helmet with a silver/white voice modulator/gas mask on it. It isn’t until Bats punches this modulator off and breaks his blue helmet that he dons a red helmet.

No shit. His presence in the game was still a pleasant surprise, especially in the way they implemented it.

The presence of the Joker was a pretty big and pleasant surprise. Since he’s supposed to be dead.