
If it keeps even ONE person from shitting out of their mouth at another player, the net effect is positive. If just ONE person stops for a second and says ‘wait, last time I told someone I hope their whole family gets cancer and then dies in a fire, I got a week ban, so maybe I should just not talk’, that’s an

Here he is, ladies and gentlemen, a case study for why seemingly abusive DLC practices continue to thrive and get worse. Because SOME PEOPLE WILL JUST GO ON BUYING.

I can’t even make sense of your argument at this point; it feels like you’re attempting to attack me personally or something? Always the sign of someone with a good point.

Or until the next time an especially pretty/colorful picture to collect comes along and captures your interest and your wallet.

Sorry you like shit games.

I quit a few weeks before the first expansion hit, what happens if I start playing again now? How much content am I going to have to look at that I’m not actually allowed to touch without the Crota expansion?

Actually, didn’t rats just continue to press the lever forever, even if they weren’t especially hungry, just because they knew they could get food every time?

So what you’re telling us is that, despite their attempts to make it otherwise, their game that was designed to be shallow and boring unless you spent real money on the gatcha system is, in fact, shallow and boring when all the limits have been removed.

Wow, I see a bunch of people bitching that they missed out, I basically bought mine on accident.


Boy, I hope so, just so I don’t have to read this shit anymore.

I am not thrilled to hear Star Ocean 3, the worst Star Ocean IMO, name checked here.

The cthulu heads do not have a lot of health. What they have is a lot of physical defense. Arcane up and watch them go down in 3 hits.

There’s no transformation and the people who think there is are fooling themselves. The Beasthood stat only lengthens the amount of time that you get the bonus when using Beast Claws and fill the bar. That’s it.

Right? Before MH4U came out I was convinced it was going to look like ass, but when I actually played the game I was pretty surprised at how nice it looked. I don’t know what it is with 3DS screenshots.

If I thought Kotaku was any kind of major news source for people anymore, I'd be kind of upset at them revealing this method since there's a leaderboard currently being overrun by duping players.

League also has mechanics for the behind team to 'catch up'. The difference is where Blizzard basically has Mario Kart style rubber banding, League has some gentle nudges such as minions being worth more XP/Gold as the game goes on and lower level champions getting bigger XP payouts when killing higher level ones,

The protagonist of Splatoon is a SQUID.

Toukiden: Kiwami is also coming to PS4.

I mostly liked it, but there are some real issues with the battle system.