
I've covered all this two days ago. Go read those comments if you're interested. They're the ones with all the stars on them.

What's weird is saying they should give GOTY to a game that came out last year.

PROBABLY no one will see this or will ignore it because it's more fun to blame the corporate overlords for decisions you don't agree with, but believe it or not, awards are not auctioned off to the highest bidder OR purely advertisement.

So, what, you're telling me that each and every one of these guys was paid off to vote DA:I for GOTY? Because looking at the list, I'm pretty sure all or most of the judges have played the game.

Me not caring is exactly my point. YOUR point was covered AND addressed more than a whole day ago.

There's no real blog for that, but /r/games (NOT /r/gaming) does a pretty good job of collecting all the gaming news while leaving social issues where they belong, on websites like Kotaku and Polygon that rely on them to get traffic flowing.

That's ridiculous. I've got over 80 hours in DAI and started my second run and I skipped shit ALL THE TIME my first run through (not, incidentally, the Krem scene in question). If someone starts talking about shit I don't care about, I press the skip button. If they're getting long winded, skip. If it's a character I

I take the time to reply because it's unfair to people who are indifferent to the entire thing because we constantly get lumped into the same group has homophobes and backwards thinking conservatives. That's what this entire thread is about. Someone said 'he didn't read them because he didn't care' and the immediate

I don't get it. If everyone who doesn't care is just hiding their terribly backward LGBTphobic feelings, can anyone really not care? Is that what you're saying? Is it impossible to not take a side out of complete apathy? That's what you're saying, right?

In your own ironic way, you guys are just as idiotic as the irrational haters are.

Wait, so you're saying that ALL conversations are equally as interesting to anyone? Because I skip all of Vivienne's conversations because they're boring political bullshit, but really enjoy talking to Iron Bull about the Qun.

Good thing I'm not writing a whitewashed character for a popular videogame, eh?


You're doing it wrong. Because you don't care, you will now be accused of bigotry and told that actually, you're afraid of it or something. It MUST bother you because it's clearly the biggest deal in the world.

I hate to inform you, but there's more than two sides to this issue. For instance, believe it or not, there are people who just don't care one way or the other.

The reason you can't have LBGT characters cast in a negative light is because blogs like this one will of course fly off the handle and accuse the developer of saying that all LBGT people are [insert whatever here]. Unless you specifically craft your 'diverse' cast to please the tumblr/blogosphere set, you're fucking

That's true, I totally forgot the part where his petrified father turned into birds.

Why? It's a lion.

As long as Team Sneak makes a return, that's all I want. Team Sneak was the best mode in MGO and one of the best multiplayer games I've ever played period.