
I had a friend that worked at Anet until fairly recently. I've been told that the reason the game is starting to suck is because all the creative people are being forced out by the money people, and that the money people are focused on the Chinese release of the game as the most profitable branch.

Haha. Okay.

Why FF7? Why not 'almost every JRPG ever'? You're really stretching to cram an FF7 connection in there.

Implying tumblr is in any way currently bearable.

Isn't Spiderman a fairly substantial part of the Civil War story? I don't see how this is gonna work.

It's a lot cheaper and safer, business-wise, to start with less than you need and scale up (slowly) to meet the (shrinking) demand, than it is to start with enough capacity for everyone and end up with expensive empty servers after the initial rush from the first few weeks has died down.

Why didn't Monster Hunter ever 'do' it for you, Fahey? I've been a fan of MH since the first release on PS2, and to be honest I had no idea what I was going into since the previews in EGM made it sound like a PSO-alike, which it is NOT.

Didn't you know? The FF series started at 7.

Out of all the great tracks in the album, you feature one with tons of messy background elements that feels disjointed and unpleasant to listen to? It's obvious the guy is talented, but the composition is just....

I wonder if they'll properly simulate (any Chinese product meant for domestic use)'s ability to randomly explode for no reason at all?

Nothing like putting the inmates in charge of the asylum. Way to shift the blame of removing challenging or divisive commentary onto the users and promote a groupthink mentality.

Most people on the Internet don't know what a monopoly is.

It's funny, because EA is the closest thing to a monopoly here with their Origin only titles. Steam is an open platform that anyone get get a game on. Origin is a closed platform that only serves games that EA deems worthy.

It's funny, because EA is the closest thing to a monopoly here with their Origin only titles. Steam is an open platform that anyone get get a game on. Origin is a closed platform that only serves games that EA deems worthy.

So it's the awesome Gundamn POD game from Japan, only with a more Western friendly game on it.

What's wrong with Origin is that it exists. I already run Steam, which despite curating problems works great. I don't WANT to have to run yet another platform, which is arguably worse, to play a small subset of games which could otherwise be sold on Steam like everything else, especially when that platform is run by a

Robin's smashes all mesh well with his/her persistent spells. Get someone trapped in a fire column or the second charge lightning cross and you can just walk up to them and side smash them off the stage.

Writer's preference.

Spot dodge, roll, spot dodge, roll, get punched. Unless you're playing Robin, who gets SO MANY persistent spells. Robin might be the REAL OP.

Those are clay pigeons.