
My favorite character in the game after having played them all a few times is actually the Fistfighting Mii. But you can't use Mii in For Glory mode for some reason, so I take Little Mac since it's so easy to play mind games with him next to the edge where people think he's an easy kill, dodge their attack, throw them

I've never liked One Piece either. I hate the artist and I hate the characters. Both of them annoy the living shit out of me.

Have you considered telling him to stop fucking with your shit, or just making something up that sounds impressive? Like 'Hey, I need you to leave my machine on today, I'm crunching some stock numbers and I need the actual to finish calculating before I get home'. If he's too smart for that, then he's smart enough to

What is this, a game for ants?

You say you don't fee threatened, but he's killed you at least once already.

The only 'more' there is to it is that millennials can't handle being told they can't have something right away and threw a shitfit when the only sure way to get something was to 'work' for it, and of course by work I mean play the game normally.

Sometimes people win the lottery too, does that make buying hundreds of lottery tickets every week a better investment than an actual retirement account?

Considering I spent all the time that people were shooting into the cave going from 20-29 by playing the game normally, and most of the cave shooters have no rep or marks OR gear and are now stuck at 23~, yes, I'd say I'm smarter than they are.

The loot cave was great if you had no idea what you were doing and pretty colors are all it takes to really get your juices flowing. If you actually wanted to advance in the game, which was apparently so hard to do that it took several blog sites weeks to figure it out, all you had to do was play normally and then buy

I feel like it was probably only baffling to people who can't read, since every engram clearly said what it could turn into. Kind of the way the Loot Cave was only attractive to idiots.

Check one of my hundred responses where I clearly explain the difference between an absolute statement and an opinionated one.

I kinda forgot what game this was even about at this point. Its got my hackles up because I'm an avid reader and writer and opinion is not implicit just because you write something.

Not when the statement is presented as an absolute. I can't believe how granular this got, but saying 'This is how it is' is very different from saying 'This is how I think it is'.

Well I hate to be childish, but he started it. I pointed out that he posited his opinion as a fact, then threw my hat into the 'Destiny is alright' ring, at which point his jimmies became rustled because I had the raw temerity to oppose him and felt the need to imply to the Internet at large that I am somehow

Hey man, it's just my opinion. I'm glad you're comfortable in your fantasy life.

While the 'hack' is as simple as putting an IP address in and hitting enter, the chance of them ever getting caught is essentially nil.

So, your natural state then.

I don't know what PSO you were playing, but the majority of the story was told through pods on the ground that didn't really make sense. And LESS RNG? Are you shitting me? How many Spread Needles did you find? How about the Egg Blaster?

So is 'insufferable asshole' just like, your natural state, or do you put on that mask when you get on the Internet?

You forgot the 'imo' disclaimer. Personally I've been having a lot of fun with the game and don't feel disappointed in what I got. It's basically a newer PSO and I'm okay with that.