If you look at the third paper I cite above, they were able to test their method of determining ancestry in individuals.
If you look at the third paper I cite above, they were able to test their method of determining ancestry in individuals.
Well, I agree that it's ridiculous to claim that you're descended from Viking/Napolean/Genghis Khan due to lack of current reference populations, and it's irresponsible for the companies and media for perpetuating this.
Eh, reading those articles, I think they are just warning you not to infer too much from the data, but it can make pretty broad predictions. In the end it's all probability. My 23andme results honed me down to Han Chinese, but it won't be able to tell me what regions of China my ancestors came from. My sig other got…
Is it really all baloney? Given enough SNPs that are enriched in certain populations, can't one guess with high enough probability potential region(s) of origin? That seems to be what 23andme is doing with their global similarity function, and it is pretty damn accurate.
It was my very first job, working at a coffee shop in the local mall. I was 13, and I don't remember ever filling out a work permit...so, pretty sure it wasn't legal. I should have realized something was up when almost every single person working there was a young (13-16) Asian girl. The owner C (for creepy) was an…
Holy shit thank you for exposing me to the term ASMR. Now I have something to refer to when trying to describe the tingling feeling!
I'm starting to feel like I don't know how to eat a plum? Damn, I'm going to stop eating in public with all those Judgey McJudgersons.
Ugh, this was horrible and it will probably be popular =(
My understanding is that several key proteins don't mutate easily since they play important functions. The receptor which binds are cells have to stay a certain shape in order to recognize their target. The protein they use to replicate also cant take too many changes without losing its abilities.
Someone should introduce these two to each other.
Yay, I'm glad she's getting better and hope she pulls through!
The MENSA thing made me wince. Geena, you're better than that!
That's a really beautiful sentiment at the end. Thank you for that and I'll try to remember it next time I'm boiling over with rage at the past.
It has begun.
I acknowledged the fact that there is more to the square than just the one event (although I would argue that this it has become the modern defining event outside of China). I also agree that after a tragedy in a public space, people should still enjoy and use it.
Awesome! I can rest easy tonight :P
I feel unmoving, frowning guy. I feel you.
I googled naked Ashton Kutcher (purely for research reasons, of course) and could not find anything similar. And further analysis of the tweeted pic (again, research) makes me think it's not him. Must know where it's from!