
So great that he's back! I'm seriously curious about the chain of events here. Someone went through a lot of effort to get this monkey (SFGate reported that they climbed over a roof to do this in order to avoid the security cameras), and then abandoned it? Hopefully it was due to some poop flinging at the asshats...

Ahhhh the little smile JGL gives at the end!

Dammit! I thought that Ryan Gosling was actually in the Silicon Valley and was ready to bombard the comments with all caps and squees. Ah well, there goes my motivation to get out of these pajama pants and shower.

As someone who's had a herniated disc and still has chronic issues, yes, inflammation is a huuuuuge cause (at least in that situation). In fact, sometimes when I can tell that I've strained the back I just pop an anti-inflammatory right away to stave off any major swelling that causes pressure again the nerves (and

This is something that I've thought a lot about in relation to the rash of knife killings in China. Were the death tolls so high with those, just because many of those were targeting children at school? Presumably the kids may be too scared to run and the teachers may not want to leave the kids.

Yay for cheaper preventative measures for horrible diseases!

To me, that first explanation seems to be based on an assumption that Asian women are weaker (or at least perceive of themselves as such) and of a lower social status. Which I think is just playing into the same stereotype. I can relate more to the second explanation, since growing up in America, the beauty ideal in

Not bad at all, cause this has just given me the idea to send this to my father. And if he'd had his way, I would've been starting in Fall of 2009 in a biomedical graduate program, likely working with mice. Meep.

Mine totally did. And they also used to show me a picture of a young girl and say she is my older sister but she didn't behave so she got sent back to China.

I still cringe at the thought of vibrating rings after accidentally leaving one in a package shipped to my traditional, chinese parents. I can just keep telling myself that there's no way they would know what that is, right????

I know right? I keep waiting for it. Especially after the Alex Trebek post mentioned "this morning's tragic news" which was the wine destruction. really? REALLY?!

Ahhhh I'm stuck in a youtube loop of asian babies!! Someone save me from the cute!

I had to stop at :24! We might be on to a bullshit threshold.

I definitely helped spread the East Coast jerk stereotype back in CA (=P sorry!) after living in DC. Granted, I was coming from Berkeley, CA, so a bit of a culture extreme, but man, I was NOT ready for the amount of judging I received. And being called a pussy cause I couldn't handle jokes and banter. Even those

@ tailfeather. I was just curious as to why herpes or other infectious agents are something to fear with an autoimmune disorder. Is it a result of the autoimmunity itself or a consequence of the immunosuppressive drugs?

Oh my god. The music. WHY the music.

And I love the eyelashes as grass part of that one. So pretty!

A zoo spokesperson said the mother had stopped nursing the cubs after 4 days.

It really may be up to the institution. I'm under 30, have tested positive for HPV, and have had an abnormal pap smear as a teen (before the HPV), and my current provider already recommended a couple years ago that I only get tested every 3 years. This is at a major, medical research university, and they explained