
I clicked on the Salma Hayek link thinking I'd see Valentina totally rocking it on some red carpet, but totally sad to see her trying to shield herself from the paparazzi =(

I thought she was Heidi Klum!

I'm all about drooling over her brother.

If it makes you feel better, you can still get HPV (although less chance) with a condom.

*looks down at ovaries* you see that? this is the kind of kid I hope you're trying to make!

Yeah seriously! I thought w/ the spreading popularity of the internet, people's 15 minutes would get shorter and shorter. Seems like the opposite seems to happen, as more and more random tidbits of stories get cycled and just keep the attention going. Bleeehhhh

In addition the other points made, Legionella can be spread by inhalation. So even if you aren't touching the faucet the droplets being aerosolized can be getting all up in your system.

Those celebrity prom photos are wonderful! Especially Lizzy Caplan. Just warms my once wanna-be punk teen heart.

Well from one hoity-toity pinhead to another...hopefully you can see it at this link if you're curious!

Just wanted to point out that you can see the axes label and units if you click on the graph. Seems like some sort of bug caused the graph background to go black on the smaller version, obscuring the axes.

I can see it as a way of circumventing a main way Chinese youth get to the US - through education - which is becoming more and more competitive given the limited spots available for international students and the rise of more and more qualified, affluent Chinese youth. My family has many friends back in China who

The academic research world really needs to start putting in some support structures and guidelines for interpersonal relations. Men still make up the majority of the higher ups and often have had no training in how to manage or deal with people let alone young, female researchers. People work all sorts of odd hours

I agree it's complicated, especially with the diseases you list. There are so many variables other than genetic that can alter someone's disease risk. Relative to all the traits, very few are those which genetics can predict 100%. This is especially true for neurological disorders since there is still so much to

I never saw Idiocracy but I think we're getting closer and closer to the science behind Gattaca. I mean, just look at services like 23andme. Send in a vial of spit and get data on your chances of developing an array of diseases and traits in less than 2 months. It's just a matter of improved technology before we're

@Gnatalby: what about movies like the ring? terrifying without anything really visually traumatizing (wait, remembering the closet flashback scene. AHHH)

@colormeroutine: Wait, so commensal gut bacteria can create disease in the stomach? (Just pure curiosity here). I always thought the fecal-oral dangers were related to pathogenic bacteria rather than our own.

@ChiTownBuff: oh god YES. The extra math homework.

@OldEnough2BYourMama: Almost every famous Chinese person! At least the ones who haven't pissed off China in some way (I'm looking at you Zhang Ziyi)

@Penny: I can't tell if I should be laughing at the snark, or if that was an honest mistake on your part?