
who is this random doug they mention at the end of the story and how do i see his adorb picture of the incident?!

@leftoverhill: i think lodown made a good point about it looking like a panic attack. when i saw that scene, i couldn't help but empathize since i've had anxiety issues (also due to crazy parental pressure and expectations) and have totally had overblown emotional reactions that in retrospect made no sense. can't

@elizabethmarley: what if it was open to women of all fields? with special consideration to those in women's studies/male dominated fields?

@cocobanal: thank you for this story. i have long ass hair and now i will NEVER put off vacuuming

when i plan on having sex i wear rainbow colored, cotton undies cause they make my s.o. smile and they help absorb residual...uhhh...moistness

did anyone else read this bit from the article?

i love how the white shorts and tan line makes it look like they're just holding their hand over an unfortunate brown crotch stain

@RousseMacabre, from Ravenclaw: omg it came out 10 years ago?! 10 years! granted, i was in high school 10 years ago but how was i not aware until just recently what dora the explorer was?!

@Fish_Beard: I think you mean in future's society, not today. Aside from female, I don't believe any of those traits are 1 gene traits and therefore probably difficult to probe and select for.

@Dorisaurus: actually, i wouldn't be at all surprised if car fumes could cause all those

@MischiefMinx got your tongue?: i don't see why being the latter means you can't do the former! if anything, i feel like you'd rock even more at it

@Cat Eyes: found this article which did a review of the published literature on nursemaid's elbow

do most university freshmen live in dorms? if that's the case, then you're going to get to know a whole array of people outside of your immediate roommate. in the halls i've lived in, each floor shared bathrooms and study rooms, so they all became really tight (or at least got to know each other's quirks).

@eri401: I'm sorry to hear that you've had such a negative experience =(. That is really a shame that no guidance was given at all.

@Candychelle: while it's true that breast cancer has a much higher survival rate than ovarian cancer, it still is actually the #2 cancer that kills women behind lung cancers.

@pastanaut: i'm just going to tell myself that happiness=1/$$$. then i can reach infinity happiness by never having a wedding!