
It landed at number 40 on the full list, behind A Night At The Opera, which makes sense, and ahead of Borat, which fills me with a gratitude that I can’t quite explain.

Did you get to the part where they make up the thing about carrots helping you see in the dark so that they wouldn’t tip off the Nazis about their new radar tech?

Hated by millions. Even in abject fear, his ego really plumps when you cook it.

PS: It’s no fun to be gray. I’m scared and need to be held.

Gah, I forgot that I already had a Kinja account. My identity would be in turmoil if I was certain anybody knew who I was around here.

The royal baby video is delightful.
"'What a load of sycophantic rubbish.' Good morning."

Surge never impressed me. We got free samples where I worked when it first came out and all I could think was that the can was ugly and the soda tasted like slightly flat Mello Yello. But at least it wasn't as much of a nightmare as Crystal Pepsi.

To be fair, viewer discretion advisories were around for decades before content ratings. The ratings system basically put content advisories in a format that could be blocked by your video hardware, which I guess is more efficient system than a parent leaping across the couch.

Good god, Heaven's Gate. One of the guys I worked with asked me if I was going to be okay after Heaven's Gate…not because I knew anybody in the cult, but because he knew I was on the Internet. Definitely not the last time that'd happen.

She died of Make Room For Daddy Disease.

It's really simple. I wouldn't want brain cancer wished on me, so I damn sure wouldn't wish it on somebody else just because I disagree with them sometimes.

The two big ones right now for me are Henry the Horse by the Geebros (majestically dopey 60s lyrics delivered with gusto) and Rosie by Don Partridge (the greatest UK hit single ever performed by a one-man band).

Part of it is how well expectations match past performance. If her specials are any baseline, Kathy's entire career is built on going around the country doing routines about how her career is going, and then (until recently) making Anderson Cooper hide his eyes on New Year's Eve. She doesn't do "outrageous" as a rule.

I lean towards the Monkees version. As good as Nilsson was, his arrangement was a little bit too coy for my tastes, while Davy Jones brings it musical theater style.

And then he goes back on Twitter and blames his inability to get work outside of the Sandler Comedy Machine on the Evil Liberal Conspiracy, thus closing the circle of causality.

Insert "Disgusting-ass LaCroix tastes like fucking Alka Seltzer and I demand that AV Club reimburses me for the case I bought, since they were the ones that planted this brand in my head in the first place." post here.

…until an asshole phones in a bomb threat to a venue five minutes before showtime (show cancelled, full refund). Or enough assholes disrupt her performances until nobody wants to risk taking a flyer on her.

Welcome back to "THERE ARE NO FILLER EPISODES: The Series".

(constipated groan)

Um, aren't you forgetting a new hour of Steven Universe? A one-night Stevenbomb so big and game-changing that Cartoon Network actually remembered to advertise it this time?