
Comedy Central is under the Paramount Global umbrella, so they definitely do have corporate overlords. It’s just that they give different shits about different things than Apple does. If Stewart finds a reason to rail on Chris McCarthy’s golfing buddies, things might take a turn.

NBC really botched the hell out of the promotion for that one, which is especially sad because it felt like they were trying to do an HBO-style show that would still clear FCC-style rules and regulations. I think AV Clubbers where the only ones who watched it all the way through.

It’s genuinely despicable seeing political operatives repeatedly take advantage of a man with diagnosed psychological issues. Kanye needs to go away for awhile and find help, or else one day we’re going to see on AVC that he’s done the ultimate thing that no one’s come back from.

You didn’t even get to their collusion with presidential campaign disruptor Pat Paulsen. This well runs deep, I tell you...

There have always been two camps (at least) when it comes to Get Back material: the ones who are already pointing to their huge stack of bootleg CDs while talking about the things Jackson left out, and the ones who look the first person’s stack, ask “How many CDs that is again?”, then rubbing their temples and shaking

Weren’t we asking the same question about Cecily last year, though?

The biggest SNL laugh of the week: watching Dogecoin lose 30% of its value during last night’s show.

Google’s saying one of their big beefs is that Roku doesn’t support certain codecs that they need...codecs that Google’s homegrown Chromecast works with. I’d ask Roku about that, but the way everything else is going, I’m terrified that they’d answer “Well, if you love Chromecast so goddamn much, maybe you should go liv

On that point, I’ll go to the mat for Spike Jones’ “Never Hit Your Granny With A Shovel”.

For what it’s worth, he told MSNBC that he got through at 11pm, and once he got on the line it took him twenty minutes to feed the main office all of the numbers.

Wonderful way to get the season started.

How long do you think Steven will stay a vegetarian?

One heads-up: Don’t count on Google Books as a one-stop shop for texts getting sprung from copyright jail, which a few sources seemed to imply around this time last year. I spent months trading emails there, and completely failed to convince them that The Prophet (the book from all the headlines

So many people’s first guess at Steg’s name was Mr. Multiverse that to see it as an early draft choice must be vindicating. It’s always cool when a creator and her fans kinda grok each other like that.

Personally, I’m still waiting for the Wipeout channel to run the American ones. I’ve seen British Christmas (from a course in Argentina, for some reason) multiple times.

For your consideration: the only candidate publicly workshopping an SNL parody of herself.

Surprising in what sense?

Programming note: Steven Universe actually starts at 7pm ET. Tonight’s episode is a full hour, presumably because a lot of tables are going to be flipped.

Let’s point out something that tiptoed past us: The episode opens with a dream sequence of Pink Diamond Steven entertaining what looks like a pink-tinged version of White Pearl...who still has both eyes. Considering the type of Diamond dreams he’s been having throughout the season, what did we just see? I have a

Not to mention that she’s got noclip mode switched on.