
Basically, until society accepts that journalism isn’t much of a moneymaker and stops trying to milk it for cheap clicks”

The tone of this piece is bleak. And accurate. 

It’s a big difference when that corporation is manufacturing entertainment instead of physical goods (especially electronics like Apple). The latter requires mining of rare metals, big production plants, physical distribution, etc.  That’s a footprint an entertainment company doesn’t have.

You’re talking out of your ass. That’s John’s actual voice. AI was just used to clean an old demo up.

Republicans have no policies or strategies that are popular with the general population. They have given up trying to appeal to the majority. The only plan is to cheat their way into office by any means necessary. 

This is a good point. She’s been the subject of... unconstructive personal comments... for basically her entire professional life. And i’ve no doubt that an unfortunate percentage of responses to the racist tweet that finally ended her TV career were themselves also horrible. When people are shouting such things at

Indeed.  I really enjoyed it.  I thought I was the only one.  Well except for some people around here.

Television  Without Pity would like some words with you 

There was a short-lived show called “Kings” that was the story of David in an alt-history present. Ian McShane was the King Saul. Sebastian Stan was the Jonathan. Goliath was a literal tank.

They are an interracial couple who was horribly mistreated by the British press.  And they also exaggerated this story. Both things can be true.

When the things they did and said undermined our lines of argument with the reactionary cap-doffers we’ve been arguing with for the last few years.  Their self-entitlement does not make the press less racist, and the press’s racism does not make them innocent victims.  Anybody would think hereditary monarchy is an

Another day, another fight against the giant capitalists to try and claw back some of the colossal amount of wealth they’ve stolen from labor. Strike on.

ACTUAL ANSWER: “Cancel culture” is just the latest name for social mores being enforced by society at large, which is something that has legitimately always happened, starting from the days/nights in which two or more cavemen huddled around a campfire.

It was very telling all the stuff Fox cut. Because they cut all of the stuff you mentioned, and all the stuff Kanye talked about he faces as a black man. They let him talk about White Lives Matter, the Clintons, liberal elites, etc but the moment he was like yea and people were racist to me and treat me different cuz

I wouldn’t Grantham parole either.

Or the twelve apostles? 

This is the problem with contrarians. By the end, they appear to believe in nothing, having taken the opposing opinion so many times that they fall both everywhere and nowhere on every issue.

They didn’t even really talk about the trailer. Just sort of mentioned the existence of one. Solid editorial direction. No notes. 

She seemed lovely, for a Queen.

I mean, Rob Schneider sucks, but he’s not wrong in this instance. That was a really embarrassing/cringey moment for a comedy show.