
Behold the face of eeeeeeevil.

Are we on hiatus? Because when I woke up this morning, the show was coming on at 7pm, and that definitely didn't happen.

Navy was so adorable! Up to and including the moment that she betrayed the hell out of Steven!

And by the same token, the Fine Brothers just did a thing with their regular cast of kids not recognizing who the hell Daffy Duck is after two decades of LT/MM either being a Cartoon Network/Boomerang exclusive or completely off the air. I weep for the death of my childhood.

Dude was tight with Roy Cohn back in the day. The word had to come up at least once.

McCarthyism: the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence.

As far as inheriting personality traits, I always took more of the "nurture" side of the old Three Stooges psychology question, but I was an art major, and I still can't figure out which parent I picked that up from. :shrug:

But now Tiger will NEVER get his WWE call-up!

Y'all should've led with Ace In The Hole. I guess that's what I'm trying to say. It's not futuristic, but it definitely feels like the road ahead.

There's one thing that bugs me to distraction about Idiocracy. The first time I watched it, the guy who recommended it told me to watch the first five minutes and not even worry about the rest of it. It was monumentally dumb advice, but it did guarantee that I paid close attention to the opening of the film. AND THE

Oh god, I recognize what Victoria Jackson is wearing in that last picture. Those are the Coke bottle novelty glasses I found in the toy section at the dollar store. So glad she didn't wear the foam rubber nose that came with them.

On the other hand, the theorists swarming around the promo pix made the sword reveal that much more satisfying. WAS IT FROM THE HAND SHIP? No, it was from the anime convention!

Part of me was hoping this would be the episode that he found out he really DID know what the diamond meant. But alas, it was not to be.

Pink-haired Steven fanart definitely kicked into overdrive after "Last One Out Of Beach City".

I'm with Erik Adams on The Umbrellas Of Cherbourg 1000%. As a bonus, it gives AV Clubbers another reason to wreck their souls over "I Will Wait For You" besides Fry's dog.

Lars's magazine was FOINE. NOICE came from Beach Party.
Not pictured: News magazine TOIME and scouting magazine BOY'S LOIFE.

Garnet left them in the glove compartment.

Everybody else was trying to be a Crystal Gem, but only Pumpkin tried to be a Crystal Jamie.
Think about it, won't you?

Let me guess. Their problem wasn't with Bridget.

In short, he's Richie Rich and not Richie Branson.