
It's not Trump so much as sub-group of Trump supporters who never learned how to make a swastika with spray paint. And that's already started happening.

The two minute SU preview leaks that Reddit's been drooling over have a tendency to cut right at the moment before the episode's plot (or theme) lands. So what was the cut point for the Three Gems leak? A quiet moment of emotional devastation. And boy, wasn't that right on the money.

All Asuka needs to do to flip her alignment is to look at herself in a backstage mirror. Because as we know from the Horsewomen, the NXT backstage mirrors eat souls and replaces them with hard-hearted, ruthless aggression.

The problem is that was the tone that started every single political post on Tumblr for the past six months (unless I'm not reading widely enough). If a social media poster is genuinely trying to flip somebody to another viewpoint, the wrong way to do it is by instantly putting the person they're trying to convince on

Lower your expectations accordingly, Dennis. It looks like the election special will be showing clips from The Most Dreaded Episode of the Modern Era.

Yeah, sounds like you missed the Meaney window. You also missed the talk show Denis Leary did before he blew up. That network was a different type of nuts before South Park and the Jon Stewart Daily Show hit.


You wouldn't have known that from Comedy Central in the 90s. Thanks to Short Attention Span Theater (and the season of London Underground he hosted), the dude was difficult to escape if you had a decent cable package.

One day you're gonna condole the wrong family and we're gonna lose the house!

Bing bing bing.
Zoom zoom zoom.


I tried LaCroix (and seltzer in general) for the first time after the last AV Club news item about this brand, and holy crap was that stuff disgusting. Of course, my only point of reference was plop-plop fizz-fizz, so maybe that had something to do with it.

"What should have been a satirical triumph."

After the way this week has gone, I think we're finally down to the skimmings.

Gordon Ramsey has never been described as adorkable, though.

One of our local stations still has something like this of footage from around the viewing area, but it only turns up on weekends when there's a gap in the schedule that they can't fit an infomercial into. It's still very pleasant to stumble across it at 2 or 4 in the morning.

Kind of a low-key episode to finish a Steven-centric summer, but still cute. Onion's dangerously close to becoming a human being.

Or you could go to Tumblr and ruin yourself for eternity. Your call.

Chocolate chip cookie dough is only #10? What kind of bizarre world do you live in?

Considering that Maury got his national noteriety as the first anchor of A Current Affair, the granddaddy of tabloid TV, there's no way in hell that anybody wouldn't have seen through that way-too-cuddly ad.

So you're saying Beach City used to have a golf course? That's weird.