
It's ridiculous. If there was a Trump in SU, he'd have built a wall around the Gems by now. And sent them the bill.

I almost felt sorry for her.

Moy was very pleased at the comparison on Twitter, as any of us would be.

"The charitable reading here is that Connie just got over her problem really quickly, because she’s a much more practical person than Steven."

These types of posts from me usually start with "I don't know what I was expecting from the Twitter of the BoJack Horseman creator," but fortunately, "a sad and soulful Simpsons fanfic" was always within the realm of possibility.

That's what absolutely kills me about stuff like this. I'm one of these suckers who bought into the whole "death of the author" thing, the idea that art (even pop culture-style art) is a collaboration between the creator and the viewer. Each experience is slightly different because each viewer/listener/reader brings

As a great man once said, people grow whether they want to or not, but growing up is something you got to decide to do.

My mom would like to have a word with you. Or at least she would if I could talk her into doing social media.

If Rose Quartz was (at least presented as) the Homeworld's Lee Harvey Oswald, it only makes sense to have a Ruby try to take her out.

Too soon?

You're outside of the family plan, so there'd be a surcharge involved.

If Army's taking over, what do we do with the rest of the Rubies?

That reminds me: I'm giving Pearl points for anyone who can whip up an edit of Steven's Earthlings pep talk to Amethyst with the GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER rant.

Season 4 will be renamed Connie Maheswaran and the Crystal Gems. Still with singing and crying, but mostly crying.

I dunno, Jasper has been enough of a thug so far that a weaponized headbutt suits her.

The strategy's working pretty well. This episode was not just the highest rated show the network last Thursday, but the day's overall #1 show on cable TV.

(This week on the Internet.)

Just a note that Matt Burnett knew what he was doing when he warned us off the spoilers for this next stretch. That episode was so much more righteous coming into it cold.

What type of range can a Cookie Cat walkie have if HE LEFT HIS FAMILY BEHIND?

If that one SDCC clip they just posted is any indication, he's got a few triggers.

Keep Beach City Degentrified.