
"At the very least, Frylock’s genuine love and Shake’s “tough” love allowed Meatwad to grow into a smart, stable member of society."

Everyone that has an opinion about these KFC ads should visit The Hall of Colonels website. It's……..also a thing.

Is it safe to assume that his Comedy Central project was reruns of Key & Peele with the credits edited out?

If anything, you're underselling how gloriously awful Trump's answer to the Mexico question was, because when Chris Wallace pushed him a little bit on the follow-up, Mr. Combover ended up snapping his statement into focus by flat-out accusing the Mexican government of sending their criminals across the border so they

Part of me wants the last MoZ to be Jon and Patty Rosborough introducing the first Short Attention Span Theater after the Ha!/Comedy Channel merger…which also was the first show to air on what we now call Comedy Central. Right after the test pattern.

Larry Wilmore's got a whole month to himself. He's going to have to up his game.

I just found my summer jam.

The phrase you're looking for is "vanilla midget". Coined back in the day by Kevin Nash, who still thinks that the main event should only be reserved for people as big as…well, Kevin Nash. Or as he said to Grantland a few years ago, "I'm sorry, man. Are you going to watch a porno movie with a guy with a three-inch

For those of you who don't know, Ultra Q is Ultraman meets the Twilight Zone. So have fun with that.

The Goldbergs: A legendary radio series from the dawn of broadcasting created by Gertrude Berg? Or a Wendi McClendon-Covey/Jeff Garlin vehicle created by Adam Goldberg, but not the Adam Goldberg that's on the Jim Gaffigan Show? Y'see? It's a two-for-one sale!

Metropolis, Buster Keaton's The Blacksmith, and now this. Great time to be alive and into old films.

For maximum effect, drop the original Youtube video on your Facebook feed and see how long it takes for somebody to rise to the bait and give it a like. Call it a trust exercise

Wait, I do know one thing: You don't have to be a farm kid to know a braying jackass when you hear one.

It didn't dawn on me until the "he's not doing The Apprentice this year" part that HE REALLY MEANS IT THIS TIME.

Don't be ridiculous! MTV's too busy pretending it doesn't have a history!

I've crashed the Chromecast every time I tried pushing the stream to it from the Android CC app, so signes would point to no.

Beginning Friday at noon, watch Jon Stewart wither before your eyes!

"Was I the only one that thought the Lesnar apology stuff was kind of goofy?"

For those of you just coming in, don't take Stegrelo's reply as meaning that Romney isn't a massive tool in other very important ways. Or that he's anything approaching electable on the national level.

Sorry, but I'm not buying the everything-everywhere-forever cloud-based wonderland. You don't really own something if you can't dump it in a secondhand store.