
I think that was more about the back half of your first post, which kind of suffered from mission drift.

I can't entirely disagree with you, and whatever meatheaded third-party ad network they've got kicking out those sponsored links seriously undercuts the good intentions behind the article.

One guy somewhere in the blowback came up with an argument that (at least on the face of it) is slightly less stupid: What do you do with a daughter (and he's talking about his daughter, in this case) who has never been presented with the idea that some jerks consider girls inferior until without warning she sees it

It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire, ash, and textbooks that deny evolution.

I always thought the world would end with a Tom Waits song.

I assumed Bill O didn't show up for the finale because Keith Olbermann was there.

Okay, big time television about Internet comments. Eyes on the prize, aiming for the gold. Annnnnd GO.

Screw upvoting this, I want it on a T-shirt.

If you're going to be a WWE fan in 2014, there are three words you'll eventually become intimately familiar with: CENA WINS LOL.

I get the feeling that somewhere in there, there's also a preservation issue in play. We know all too well that celluloid isn't the most stable storage format ever invented, but because it's been on the market for well over a century we also know what needs to be done to mitigate the potential decay. Digital formats

The Washington Bookshop entry is on Wikipedia, it's just that somebody misfiled it. For posterity:

Kindle has a web-based reader now, so you could read it in your browser if you felt the urge., if anybody wants to give it a go.

Shitty Internet? Now wait just a minute, I have Time-Warner, and…

I hope this doesn't stay a Yahoo Screen exclusive. I couldn't make it to the end because of the shitty video quality.

Right and double-right.

A few years ago, our local station (I'm an hour and 15 minutes away from where Stephen grew up) moved Mayberry out of the 5pm hour for the first time in at least thirty years to make room for a tacky local news magazine. The viewers almost melted the phones.

When your rebrand strategy is ripped off from Annoying Orange, it's time to take a sabbatical.

Considering the film is a lighthearted song-filled look at date rape and teen pregnancy, it does make you wonder if the people at Fox who "remember" Grease really remember Grease.

Fat, rich, white, and 80 years old. With that combo, we're lucky he isn't rubbing his players' heads for good luck at the crap tables.

If the question had been "What pop culture item did you accidentally sit on and break with your big fat ass?" I'd have an answer ready.