
Well, he did end up with eight children, so "okay" is a very relative term.

Roosevelt's in the White House, he's doing his best. McKinley's in the graveyard, he's taking his rest. He is gone, solid gone.

Or Rupert Murdoch.

Well, when you say it it sounds kind of silly.

The Quacker Factory just isn't the same since Jeanne Bice joined her many dead husbands (all of whom she would always happily work into her sales pitches) in the next world earlier this year.

Personally, I'm looking for something that's easy on my T-Zone. (T for Taste. T for Throat. T for Tuberculosis.) What's the one that all the doctors smoke?

Any time after two, Joe. Love ta have ya.  Love ta have ya.

Are we assuming that your hypothetical guy pays every single cent he owes without  using deductions, shelters, or other dodges contributed by his accountants? Because if so, that's a dirt-stupid millionaire you're championing. That or a guy who's too honest to actually exist.

"Next time on A Very Special Episode: Dragnet, “The Christmas Story”". I know you mean the one that sometimes goes by the title "The Big Little Jesus," but I'm hoping you at least mention ".22 Rifle For Christmas". Now that's a very special episode.

And let's not forget What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown?, a combo Memorial Day/D-Day commemoration which has to be neck and neck with the leukemia special as the ultimate Schulzian downer.

"Isn’t this kind of the red-headed stepchild of the Charlie Brown specials?" Obviously you don't  remember It's Arbor Day, Charlie Brown.  You and several million others.

More to the point:  “This is clearly a form of bias on the part of the Hollywood entertainment elite. This wouldn't be tolerated if this was Michelle Obama. It shouldn't be tolerated if it's a conservative woman either.”

It shows the uncommon level of professionalism of everybody involved with that distributor (and probably the level of their negotiation skills) that "Fuck Spotify" is part of their official statement. Stay classy, STHoldings.

It's a damn shame that violent men who control women through mental and physical cruelty do exist, or else we'd be able to shrug the whole thing off. Pretending that fiction doesn't have real-world consequences isn't the best thing in the world to introduce into this conversation.

As much as I loved this episode, I could've gone a lifetime without seeing Jeff Goldblum's O face. As hilarious as it was.

Yeah, she misspelled Wuthering Heights there.

So if you lost your house or your job, stop whining because THE TERRORISTS THE TERRORISTS THE TERRORISTS!  Giuliani/Miller 2012

There's definitely some good in the current product, but dammit, I was promised a Summer of CM Punk and instead we're getting the Fall of HHH and Lauranaitis.

The Muppets are shilling their new movie by mob-hosting WWE Raw (9 ET). The wrestling world wonders: Which Muppet will beat in-the-doghouse wrestler John Morrison tonight? Odds-on favorites: Beaker or Bobby Benson's Baby Band.