
Let's not forget the original radio version, with Orson Welles doing his Orson Welles thing as the driver. (somewhere near the beginning of this ridiculously massive collection:… )

At this writing, Hastings is answering some of the Facebook-linked talkback. I guess we'll see how long THAT lasts, too.

A lot of media people have positioned this story as one more nail in the coffin for dead-tree books, but really, Borders made a lot of big, stupid mistakes over the past decade, and ignoring the e-book market might not have even been the biggest one. Hell, they let Amazon run their online bookstore for SEVEN YEARS and

Amazingly, King Features is still producing a Katzenjammer Kids Sunday strip.  Those little bastards are unkillable, like cockroaches.

A little bit surprised…
…that nobody's called this film on the WAY they chose to force Eisenberg's character to rob the bank, which actually happened in real life and the victim died in a nasty way when he didn't make his deadline. Pretty grim and gruesome stuff to turn into a summer comedy, and the guy's family is

Before you make another post like that,use a little sense, and maybe sensibility…

@Trekinosis: Okay, fine, here's an actual book that's referenced in the wiki article:

Good News, History Lovers…
David Farnsworth was a real guy…

Oh you kids and your red-flag-raising torrenting. It's like none of you ever heard of Usenet binaries groups at ALL.

Definitely this. The day they whip out a multi-year agreement with Warner Bros. (or whoever) for recent content is the day that at least a few of the people who are flipping out right now cool their heels for a bit. But in the short term, the combo of Sony pulling out from the Starz package (even for "renegotiation")

Tim and Dawn and Jim and Pam
"And it's here that the show advances its single strongest argument: That time spent pining for the co-worker or running up the guy who works across from you (and is really annoying) might ultimately be worth all the desperation and frustration. "

Buy a copy of The Federalist Papers and mark it up with highlighter. Leave it on your coffee table and they'll give it up right away.

Until last year, one of ION's subchannels was a network called Worship, which was basically Christian elevator music playing over clips of waterfalls and leafy trees 24/7. It was as hypnotic as a video yule log, and easily the least obnoxious religious program in America…at least until they started running

…his career is going through some Yapapai strapation. Also, he hasn't been America's #1 orange goblin since Snooki turned up.

Yeah, that looks like an editorial hiccup. David was born in 1936, and Ricky in 1940.

First thing out of my mind
KINGS. In terms of style and story, that series was going someplace epic. Audience-wise, nobody bothered to show up. So the handful of us who stuck around just shake our heads every time we allow ourselves to think about it.

The worldwide community of fluent Klingon speakers could comfortably sit down for dinner at Western Sizzler.

Anyone caught pulling that trick at News Corp. gets promoted to the board of directors. AND THAT'S FINAL!

I'm calling it right now: by this time next year, CBS lab techs will have produced a surface-level simulacrum of Todd VanDerWerff, suitable for unconditional praise of products of the CBS-Viacom combine.

Yeah seriously, that was a darkly hilarious sequence right there, and proof that Fox lets you get away with shit if you make money.