
I don’t disagree with your point that the line is drawn at legality. It is simply illustrative of the point there are players and builders who did reprehensible things that were nonetheless enshrined.

Not at all, but as you pointed out earlier, they do have a character clause, which has existed in one form or another since the Hall’s inception. I’m just pointing out that it seems that it’s been selectively applied, even in recent years.  

Part of me thinks Schilling shouldn’t get in the Hall of Fame because, to quote the author, “fuck him,” but part of me also thinks the Hall of Fame lost any claim to a moral high ground a long time ago.

The best was Ray Ferraro’s commentary: “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. Patrik Stefan, you should be embarrased for what you just did. That does not belong in the National Hockey League!”

Dear God, you are a magnificent bastard.

He must have racist cartilage.

I actually expected “YOUR FIRED” instead, so I guess he mildy exceeded my low expectations.

This is a deep cut.

While the fact that Graham is getting the policy and personnel decisions he wants is not mutually exclusive with the notion that Trump might have dirt on him, I tend to agree with you. Graham wouldn’t be the first politician to come around to supporting a president he vehemently opposed during the election cycle. With

“I will build a wall... of deliciousness!”

He has the meats.

Both of the Guacamelee games are a blast to play, but they can be difficult (I’m working my way through the second game right now). I really enjoy the game mechanics and how the platforming is integrated with your combat moves, such as having to use a super uppercut to extend a jump. Some of the boss fights are

Everywhere except on the ice, for the most part (although they played really well against Pittsburgh).

A rush to judgment? On the internet? No way.

As an attorney, I am already cringing about the caption page.

New Year’s resolutions are a bitch to keep.

Does this mean she is not externally flawless? I can see that conversation getting ugly fast.

+1 Nearer My God to Thee