“As one example of this, Sony Bend’s pitch to make Days Gone 2 was rejected”
“As one example of this, Sony Bend’s pitch to make Days Gone 2 was rejected”
To me, the different approaches seem to go hand-in-glove with the different strategies; Microsoft is focused on GamePass, which means they’re looking for a variety of studios to keep the constant flow of content coming, and Sony is focused on marquee console-selling titles - they want every Sony-owned game to make a…
Motion for leave to file cross-complaint against the Sex Pistols
In Soviet Russia, bilge pumps you!
That’s an extremely bad comparison, though, because The Holiday Special more than adequately prepares you for Rise of Skywalker - they both baffling, incoherent dumpster-fires, and watching the former honestly will give you just about everything you need to understand the later i.e. hollow, masturbatory fan wankery.
I really wish they would bring out new remasters of the old series. Perhaps a set of the initial PS2 games, and a set of the PS3 games, that would be nice. At this point, the older games are getting harder and harder to play and it’s a shame, because I missed out on the PS2 Ratchet games simply because I was more into…
People dragged Andromeda, but I dare say it got even better there.
Weird, I am not a very skilled gamer but Control did not really give me any issues (save for a section near the end of the original game). Can I make a suggestion? Focus on your levitation skill and use it liberally to keep a distance between you and the baddies. Gun-wise, focus on your standard pistol and treat it as…
You’re mistaken, Luke. Max didn’t kill. Max fumigated. You see, crime was the lingering sweet stench of rotting flowers left to composte in a wretched corner of civilization’s rosary. But instead of breaking down and providing nutrients for the soil of society, it instead spread its malicious taint and infected the…
It would be easier if the charms were equipped to the armor, not the sword. Then you could set the charms based on for what purpose you’re using that armor.
Seriously, how good is this game? I had high hopes for it since almost every in-house Sony studio makes awesome stuff, but it’s easily my game of the year so far. Even ahead of TLOU 2, which I had been looking forward to for years and enjoyed playing...but I’ve just had so much more FUN with Ghost. It almost has a…
Slight spoilers:
Act I: Beautiful dreamscape of lush forests and one forest in an eternal golden autumn.
Act II: Dank swamps and thick bamboo mazes.
Act III: Snow, ice, and death. There is even a quest where you can die from freezing.
In a part of this review, where it’s said that he takes from people rather than helping « the imbalances within the society ». I almost laughed. That’s 13 century japan. There are lords. And their subjects. The lords take ressources from their subjects. Did you expect the protagonist to install a democracy ?
yeah, i guess you meant a bunch of virgins were upset that game lady have muscles
Fandom is just a form of tribalism, and it’s mostly toxic.
That was not my interpretation of the card at all. It sounded more like a mad scientist trope. It seems like we’re just trying to find things to be mad about.
If the word bigot being used once in a game makes you cringe or whatever, maybe you need to do a little introspection.
Dude attacked a girl for being gay. I think “bigot” is letting him off easy.
How about do what i do when a new game comes out... play it for yourself and judge it based on your own likes or dislikes. Stop letting people tell you what youre allowed to like or not. Who fucking cares what journalists and “reviews” say? People shit on AC Unity, and i ended up loving it... so fuck all those people…
Well I honestly do not see the point of giving such prominence to user reviews if they can be weaponized by immature or bad faith people.