I didn’t know I needed this in my life.
I didn’t know I needed this in my life.
+1 Terence Stamp
I’m not a neutral. I am a Liverpool fan, and City deserved that win because they did what Liverpool didn’t on that day, which is to finish their chances.
“Pool Boys” isn’t a thing. Stop trying to make it one.
Oh, I have no expectation that they turned a profit on his gear. I’m more curious to see whether they broke even or not, and would be surprised if they came out ahead on that.
Makes me wonder if Liverpool came out on the positive end in that regard with Balotelli. It certainly didn’t translate into success on the pitch.
I personally like this one:
I’m glad to see someone who respects that process.
My sentiments exactly. Dele Alli is a known diver, and Harry Kane swearing on his daughter’s life that he scored that goal was a step too far for me.
I thought it was: “McNulty... my office!”
Greatest centers of all time: That’s a tough list to narrow down after the first two, and I think there are other names that could be considered that aren’t in your list (Yzerman, Dionne, Sakic, to name a few). I think as far as Crosby is concerned, I’d have to wait and see what his career totals end up being before I…
But did he skip leg day?
Drew can’t melt steel beams.
My mistake. I thought your comment was one based on the idea that copyright was subject to different laws in different states, but I see now you were talking about forum selection.
No apology necessary. You were right to point out that I hadn’t read the rest of your comment. Dangers of scrolling too fast and instantly reacting to what I only scanned.
Then again, I’m fine with Man U being middle of the pack. I’ve never been a big “the league is better when (dynasty team down on their luck) is better” guy.
Way underappreciated. Bravo.
Fair enough.