I give it a year and half until they follow the other car companies in their pursuit to ruin nameplates and somehow release a version of the Atlas called the Beetle.
I give it a year and half until they follow the other car companies in their pursuit to ruin nameplates and somehow release a version of the Atlas called the Beetle.
Don’t give them ideas! This is exactly why we need single payer healthcare!
Agreed 110%. This wasn't a honest mistake or overlooked test, this was a flat out refusal of fucking basic care. Jesus. That poor family.
right? this had to be straight up racism. and it’s disgusting. Fired and charged with negligent homicide should be the punishment, at the least. this is heartbreaking.
Yeah but these medics bigoted beliefs are being reinforced the Bigot and Chief. They didn’t think she was human and worthy of their time. This poor woman and her poor family.
Fired!? They should be charged with manslaughter if it can be proved their negligence led to her death.
How fucking conceited and oblivious do you have to be to type that and hit SEND? Do white people have to insert themselves into everything?
Thank you for providing backing for my pet theory that Phil Jackson is not an amazing basketball coach, he is an amazing psychologist. When ‘99-vintage Kobe and Shaq are getting along, *I* could coach them to an NBA championship - his accomplishment was in generating team unity, not brilliant tactics.
I want to see the Universal monster movies remade, keeping as much of the original plots as possible and directed by Guillermo del Toro.
I’d be more on board if they weren’t trying to do League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
You know, I don’t hate the idea of a Universal Dark Universe and bringing back these old titles that made them as a studio. I just wish that they really took advantage of the opportunity and made truly contemporary versions of these classics. Tap into the original themes and give them to directors who thrive on small…
Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
And is possibly going to be a US Senator some day.
Yet Kid Rock is still alive and thriving.
He also gets damned near apoplectic when ignored. It’s fun to watch.
Racist white men are the most fragile, scared and sensitive people in the country, which I think has a lot to do with these fits and power trips.
Bingo. Except the treason part. Incompetence isn’t treason, it’s tradition.
Ummmm not even the cops are claiming they were shot at...
Hey, now. Think of it from the pilot’s point of view. It’s not like he has the opportunity to indulge his minority abuse fetish at home with becky, and the company is starting to get wise to his ‘activities’ down in Malaysia, so the choke-an-asian-prostitute-weekends are all but done for.