THE MALL?!?!! Why are so many proposals at THE MALL?
It looks like one of those demon-blocking salt rings. :(
Dear wackadoodle pro-life folks:
Lol/Sigh at this. If The Miracle of Life couldn't put teenagers off fucking, then some billboard-sized fetus isn't going to stop abortions.
like I said,complaining is cathartic (especially when funny). Looking at Pinterest type shit makes want to get hide in a hole because I suck if I'm supposed to be crafting party favors out of artisanal Popsicle sticks.
Reminds me of this Tumblr post, captioned "How do I tell my mom that this "minimalist wooden nativity set" she put up just looks like a forest of dildos"
What's frustrating is that these are the same women who assert they don't need feminism.
Do you mind me asking where you live that homeschooling is illegal? I've never heard of that.
Yeah, there is nothing to be grateful for when you have shit in shag carpeting.
I don't have those things & I complain (although my life is privileged compared to many). This baby rearing/staying at home is all new to me & it's fun, boring & overwhelming all at once. I actually appreciate my friends (whether they work or stay at home - actually almost all my friends with kids work) to not be so…
You can tell that she really has a profound grasp on the concept of gratitude, because she's complaining about how bad everyone else is at it.
This woman sounds like a shitty person and a bad friend. She's run out of things to complain about so she takes to complaining about people who complain. I'll take people that complain about things like cleaning toilets or wiping drool over people who complain about other women any day (wait, shit, I'm being…
Life lessons for everyone on earth.
I wish I had the power to ungrey this comment. It's really the perfect response to this.
You know, I have been poor, and a single mom and I certainly needed to vent and complain. Luckily I chose friends who weren't judgmental, and could complain back to me when they needed to -whether they were stay at home moms or not- Chronic whining is unpleasant in anyone. Needing to talk about things being hard…
It's a perfectly fair argument that anyone who isn't in Liberia, dying alone in agony from Ebola on a hospital's tile floor should shut the fuck up. It's a good thing to keep in the back of your mind to keep your life in perspective, and to perhaps spur you to improve the world so everyone has better choices.
What in the shit is up with her hair? Is she a Mexican wolf person?