
My first job was at a small, family-run children's amusement park – antique carousel, mini-train, bumper boats, that sort of thing, mostly for little kids under the age of 10. Sweet and wholesome on the surface, roiling with filth underneath. We had to chase masturbating voyeurs off a nearby golf course, patrol the


I don't know how to break it to these people, but I'm pretty sure ebola is not the frightening illness being studied at the CDC.

America, the land of people who are always sure they know better than everyone else, even professionals or people who have dedicated their whole life to studying a particular topic.

I'm trying to illustrate, using sarcasm because I like sarcasm, that your ethical stance isn't actually functional in practice. If everyone believed as you do then only well off, married, probably heterosexual couples could parent. I would still be able to parent if I wanted, but I have no desire to raise other

So all people should adopt, no matter how expensive and lengthy the process, no matter how few foster children are actually eligible for adoption, no matter how heartbreaking it is to parent a foster child only to have their biological family take them from you, no matter how few resources are available to that couple

Because placing the burden of the foster care system on people whose only commonality is that their reproductive organs don't work properly is bullshit and makes no sense. And singling them out as over indulgent if they don't want to adopt a kid who will likely be older and have special needs puts them in a class that

I disagree - I think we do not owe others explanation for our behavior, if we are not harming anyone. If we did, then we would have to be explaining ourselves for every single choice we make, our sex life, our car. It's not her issue if you have a problem with her procreation choice, it isn't hurting you at all. You

Right? They're just like abortion - why should families be able to decide for themselves if, when, and how to start a family? We should definitely leave that shit up to legislators for sure.

I don't like the "just adopt!" attitude either. Some people don't have the strength to deal with a myriad of issues that MAY arise with adopted children. I couldn't handle a kid with serious disabilities. If one of my own kids had serious disabilities, then I'd have to cope because I gave birth to them. All of this is

Is it really unreasonable that a couple would want a newborn though? Why should infertiles give up the opportunity to have a baby from birth?

The notion that the burden of adopting children stick in the system is primarily the responsibility of couples who have trouble conceiving without medical assistance is ignorant, short sighted, and downright discriminatory. There are not healthy babies languishing in the system. There are older special needs children

You don't seem to have a moral problem being judgey and hateful, so why do you care where my baby comes from, jerk?

I find YOU repulsive.

Exactly! There are millions upon millions of healthy infants and children waiting to be adopted! Just go to the adoption store and pick one out! I hear they even occasionally have sales.

There aren't so many kids who need adopted. That's a myth. There are very very few children in the US or I'm guessing Australia (though I am not 100% on their statistics) that are under the age of 10 and don't have serious disabilities. There is a waiting list. Adopting a child from overseas means the possibility of

There are many advantages to your child being biologically yours. And adoptions cost more than 20k in the US.

I feel like in general, if you become a parent so badly you resort to surrogacy, you should be best to be prepared to have a kid with a "catastrophic birth defect." It's hugely ableist to abort a kid purely because they have Down Syndrome.

I feel like, if you are looking into surrogacy, you should make it clear in the contract before inserting fertilized eggs that you have no interest in raising any potential disabled children, so that the surrogate knows going into it that she might have to abort, keep the disabled child, or give it up for adoption.

I feel like in general, if you become a surrogate it is best to be prepared to honour the parents' wishes should they want to abort due to a catastrophic birth defect.