
You should have tried to puke on that snotty old bitch! Ugh, the indignity of being judged by an old European lady in furs would have me retaliation vomiting.

This comment actually made me feel a lot less alone. My vomiting is migraine related too. Thank you, my sister in suffering. All really good points and advice.

Would you believe 8 MG of zofran did nothing? I had to try compazine, which was marginally effective, and frequently ended up taking ativan, which was highly effective.

Although this is a month late, I would hate for you to still be concerned about me. I'm sure you haven't slept a wink in the interim.

Well, it's not as if I enjoyed it. I was completely disgusted myself. Even our dear Jerri would bat an eyelash.

Also, despite my botox, I could give Clare Danes a run for her money in the ugly cry face category.

Thank god for botox. My pain doctor said my jaw muscle is getting thinner, which means its atrophying, which means I will have less migraines. Take my emotional expression, I don't give a fuck, if it means I won't have migraines.

You sound like you're just a virgin who can't drive.

Whatever, Bette Midler. You're SO intellectual because you can spell a word. Whoop-de-doo. Oh, to be in the shadow of such an intellectual giant.

You would have naked models cling to your body while you water skied. Which maybe sounds ok, if you're the athletic type. It sounds like too much work for me.

Oh, poor Ciara. I feel the same way, sweetie. At least you still have prayer though. I wish I didn't know god was a farce, I'm sure I would be a lot less depressed.

Thank you! Finally! The recognition I deserve. You are a good and kind person. People like you are the reason I bother to carry a plastic bag around at all.

Oh, I should be so lucky. I would hope the video would have made it around to me in the few years since the incident. But I do enjoy imagining a youtube video out there of me puking, and people being made to suffer by watching it.

I have "cyclical vomiting syndrome," whatever that means, Anytime a doctor tells me I have a "syndrome" I'm like "just say you don't know what's wrong with me." Anyway, I vomit, cyclically.

This is the most incredible thing I have ever seen! I will purchase one immediately. You are a very special and thoughtful person. Normally I just carry a plastic bag with me, but you've really upped the ante with wet wipes, altoids, mini toothbrushes, etc.

And you know, people really don't give vomiters enough credit. At least for me, I could make it so much worse for everybody, I could have just puked on the table during lunch in that crowded Viennese restaurant, but did I? No, I ran as fast as I could to the most unobtrusive spot possible. Did I get a thank you? No,

What do you do when you vomit in the middle of the street? Like in a crowded city, in broad daylight, and you are not drunk, you just have this problem that makes you vomit a lot. I just went on with my day, which is to say back into the restaurant I had run out of. At least I was polite enough to do it in a street

Well, I know, that's why I was asking!

Well, she definitely was never America's sweetheart. should be ok, I guess?

I thoroughly appreciate your efforts to make it a truly GOOPy divorce.