
AC: Brotherhood (which I played on both consoles), God of War 3 if we're talking PS3 exclusives.

Uncharted 2.

Metal Gear Solid 4, with Dead Space just behind it (I played Fallout 3 on 360, so).

Uncharted, with an honorable mention for Heavenly Sword.


Jesus H I laughed like an idiot at this.

When your entire game is based on "scripts [that] are dynamically changing/loading based on player's choices," that is the last thing that should hold your engine back, don't you think? If the engine can't handle the very basis for your company's games, you done fucked up.

I'm with you for the first two paragraphs, but after that we differ. I'm such a fan of the comics for both these games, and I'm not a big hardcore adventure game fan, so a more casual experience closer to a branching graphic novel is perfect for me (though I do think the games could have smoother movement and better

I'm playing on 360, and I can assure you that I'm not some type of uptight freak. I don't really know why, when these games have a clear history of technical issues, you'd jump to that conclusion. I specifically remember the climax of episode 2 of TWD stuttering and breaking down so much that I tried to go back and

Thank you for addressing the technical problems in Telltale's games. This is the first review I've read of episode 2 that addressed the problems with this engine at all. I went into The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us as a big fan of the comics, and while I really liked TWD and enjoyed TWAU episode 1 (I haven't

People like you are why comics fans on the internet have the worst reputation. Get over yourself. The guy didn't say "JRJR IS THE GREATEST ARTIST EVER IN THE HISTORY OF EVER," he said JRJR is his favorite. Who the hell are you to tell him otherwise?

Honestly, I'd rather he stay away from events with Superman. You look at the best of the New 52 books, and they're all books that have been doing their own thing from the beginning - Batman, Batman Inc, Wonder Woman, The Movement, Superman Unchained, All-Star Western, etc. These books usually feel like they're not

I didn't read Aquaman because it is Aquaman. I'd been reading his GL from the beginning and read it all the way to the end; there was a pretty dramatic drop off in quality in the New52 era (though honestly the drop off started with Brightest Day). I'm not sure if you're saying these books were better than Johns'

Every situation is different. I don't think there's been any word on whether JRJR is exclusive to DC - though, if they're not trumpeting that, chances are he's free to work elsewhere.

Oh wait you didn't even read Dimension Z! Ha ha ha, christ. I'm glad you're comfortable with criticizing the level of detail in his work on that arc without having actually read it.

Whoa, Tex! Who said anything about "stupid as fuck?" I said I don't get what is happening in your brain, because I honestly do not. I do not understand how you can look at that page of headshots and think all the hairstyles are the same. I do not understand how you can look at that page of headshots and think everyone

In any event, you have your taste and I have mine, and neither of us are going to change our minds because a stranger disagreed with us in the comments section of Kotaku.

Same hairstyles?! Look at Wiccan, Hulking and Dr. Strange! Look at Kate, Tigra and Jessica Jones! Every character in that grid has a different hairstyle. Every single one. I just don't get what is happening in your brain. This isn't even a matter of opinion.

"But I see your splash page and raise you a broken image link" fixed yer welcome.

To be fair, DC's events don't typically spin out of ongoing books - they're usually self-contained affairs that set up a new status quo (see: Flashpoint, Final Crisis, Infinite Crisis, etc). Also, Superman has been front and center (whether by his presence or his absence) for almost every modern DC event.