
Why do you believe him? In particular, why do you believe him and not Ames? And what do you think of a guy who co-authors a book with a guy who (in your view) truthfully brags about raping a 15-year-old? I’m honestly asking. I don’t know his work, but what about him makes you think that he’s making up all the terrible

Right. And if it is just a misogynistic fantasy, then it means they are a bunch of frauds that were benefitting from passing fantasy off as non-fiction.

Wow, that’s fucking disgusting. I hope someone opens an investigation into the alleged satire. It doesn’t seem like a giant stretch for someone who frequently makes rape jokes or basically espouses raping Russian women to be ignorant or ignoring of consent.

Thats... unreal. I have truly never read anything that disturbing. Shit like that makes me think “Is this the way men really think??” Which is disturbing in and of itself. Satire or not, words like that shouldn’t exist in print.

I’m sorry but I actually had to stop reading this article. I found their own gleeful descriptions of their actions to be so repulsive. Who found this type of writing palatable or interesting. Being a self absorbed asshole in a country where you hold enormous power to violate impoverished girls sexually doesn’t strike

My father told me he hopes my baby grows up in a world without sexism, and I thought, “Didn’t you fucking choke my mother?”

And also so they can get off to it.

Watch those men especially because oftentimes that bullshit they’re spouting to you is a guilty conscience talking. You’re talking to a rapist or assaulter. They’re trying to separate their actions from mass rape in war—you know, real rape. I pretty much assume any man talking like that is actively raping women or has

Honestly, the majority of editors are men. And men think other men are just so clever, so insightful, so sincere about their underrepresented views on women, they simply have to publish them.

That’s such a good point—by focusing on the most egregious examples, they deny responsibility for the more common everyday rapes, then go over salacious details again and again. I’m a researcher and have a colleague who just can’t get enough of the details of sex trafficking cases—to the point where I’ve organized the

Yep. I’ve worked with NGOs and now am a journalist, and it never ceases to amaze me the lengths men will go to to deny rape exists outside of war or trafficking situations or that yours was not “that bad.” It’s why men always want all the details of a rape - so they can see how much of it may have been your fault

Good god, yes. You should meet some of the men who work with me on sex trafficking issues, who just love to establish their street cred by slinging pimp lingo. But they’re doing it to protect us ladies, not for vicarious thrills, dontcha know.

Is it just my imagination, or do men who constantly have to prostrate their feminist credentials have something to hide?

When Martin Shkreli isn’t your worst boyfriend.....yikes. Shit’s rough out there, girls.

And I am side eyeing Ashton Kutcher so hard right now. His entire philanthropy is stopping sex trafficking and he is still friends with dude in a cult with child slaves and rapists.

Why is someone amassing wealth a sign of government and economic failure?

How does this statement apply considering there are billionaires across a variety of governments with a variety of means to achieve their wealth?

Clinton got 3,775,437 more votes than Bernie. That’s 31% of Bernie’s total votes! I guess it still stings =/