Socialism is an enemy to women. It’s a pro-rape ideology and the anti-thesis of feminism.
Socialism is an enemy to women. It’s a pro-rape ideology and the anti-thesis of feminism.
You have links to some interesting blinds?
And I do think that for younger men, the message that it’s not okay to harass and exploit women is clear.
Or maybe he’s a sexual predator who knows exactly what he’s doing and is lying through his teeth.
You realize that most males who live in Europe are white, right?
I’m not.
Couldn’t Turks say the same thing about Americans? With you guys electing Trump and all?
Found the rapist white male.
Why would you argue with your own kind hon?
I’m glad you finally admit you’re an MRA.
You’re an MRA who told me that straight girls who get raped are not important.
I think that they would rather their men rape “other” women than them.
No offence, but I don’t really care what other posters think about me nor do I care about “teams” (lol).
European agencies dealing with trafficking and migration? You realize that the phenomenon of precisely Nigerian girls being forced to prostitute themselves either in brothels or in the streets in Europe is well documented by various European governments, right?
You realize that that person is an MRA troll who once told me that straight women and girls being raped is not a problem, right?
I mean, I saw it in plenty of “legit” news sites, but you would think that this is something big enough for Jezebel to bother.
You literally told me that you don’t care about “straight” girls being raped.
What’s wrong with generalizations that are true? When was the last time you heard a liberal speak out against sexual trafficking?
Western liberals like to pretend like sexual trafficking/slavery is only something that happens “elsewhere” like in Isis occupied territories to concern troll the girls and women affected.