
Video sucks, song sucks, but congrats to that dreamy mugshot guy who went viral on Facebook, good to see he turned his life around!

Cobb issued a statement that absurdly tried to link Flynn’s actions to the administration of President Barack Obama and downplay the depth of Flynn’s plea deal.

Here’s how they all remember it:

They all seem to remember it differently ...

Sexual harassment and assault are always subordinate to some larger goal, and there will never be a good time to change the culture surrounding it. “After the revolution” is another way of saying never.

“But the only thing that should define whether we want him to resign or not is how effectively he can do a job that (before these incidents) he was really, really good at.”

“Let me finish,” he says, cutting her off. “Because we need to have this conversation.”

That woman’s not going to marry him. She’s already got the chin down gazing into the distance WTF look on her face I didn’t develop till Year 3. She still has time to get out.

The Democratic governor will appoint his replacement. Franken is not special. And if Democrats lose a Senate seat in Minnesota, so be it. I’m tired of misogynist lawmakers holding the party and women’s rights hostage. You can’t abuse and humiliate us, then expect our votes. Women’s equality is a fucking non-negotiable

This is heartbreaking.

Unfortunately whether he resigns or not, the Democrats are being laughed at from the right due to hypocrisy. At least the Republicans never purport themselves to be supportive of women. But I’m so tired of hearing from conservatives how hypocritical the Dems are - claiming to be all for women’s rights and then

The responses to Franken’s accusers from some democrats have made me better understand how so many women, including sexual assault survivors, could have supported Trump.

“Go use your pitchfork to go after Trump and Moore”

“But who could replace him who could possibly be better?”

Fucking nbc holds its people to a higher standard than the democratic party. I’m looking forward to a bunch of so called feminist democrats trying to justify why franken has not been ejected from the party.

It’s all part of the same entitled mentality.

Am I the only one who would prefer all of these creeps NOT apologise? It’s not like anyone is gaining anything from the perfunctory ‘I’m sorry if anyone felt bad, I need to soul-search and realise how truly amazing I am - so amazing that I don’t need to rape!’

And still is. Playing the cool girl, changing you’re name after you’re married, all of choice feminism, taking sex positivity to the extreme. Pop feminism is still about women fearing men calling them stuck up, prude, drama-causing, etc. Internalized misogyny is difficult to kick if you aren’t already ok with being

It’s a poor attempt at distracting us from his receding hairline.

No, they do get it. They’re scared of what happens when their own shit comes to light. And they fucking should be.