
D’ya ever try throwing vinegar on Armie Hammer? He gets real interesting then.

I watched the Katy Perry clip. I actually laughed out loud. Aw I needed that, totally worth checking out.

the only people they’ve really managed to scam are gullible right wingers who believe that heavily edited videos are proof of some sort of nefarious wrongdoing.

Project Veritas foiled by caller ID. I don’t know if this speaks worse for them or the folks they have managed to scam.

My goodness, the number of white males who are leaders on feminism, racism, diversity, sexism... it’s so overwhelming! There are so many, and they are so good, that they just naturally crowd out the few people of color and women who could speak on these issues. Besides, the white men are better at it, anyway.

You do know that the standard you’re describing is exactly the standard that has allowed sexual harassment to be so pervasive right? When men know they have nothing to fear from sexual harassment accusations because their power and prestige will protect them, there’s absolutely nothing to keep them in check. By

I feel like all of this belongs in a scary movie...I was legitimately creeped out watching that first vid.

I don’t blame her for being a reluctant First Lady. It’s a largely thankless role that she probably never envisioned for herself.

It came out that she was fucking the head of security at the Tiffany’s store next to Trump Tower, just before she upped sticks and moved into the White House. Now I suppose we just wait for the Secret Service to leak which one of them is banging her...

You agree it’s a flawed institution and yet resent someone for not going along with it? I don’t care why Melania has decided not to play First Lady. I have no illusions that her intentions are noble, I think she seems like a pretty selfish and vapid person. That doesn’t make it any less outrageous that in 2017 we

What job? First Lady isn’t a paid position with real responsibilities. It’s a sexist, thankless throwback from the days before wives were allowed to have separate lives and careers from their husbands and were expected to be a full time mothers and help-mates. I don’t have many nice things to say about Melanie Trump

We all want Melania to be a wealthy widow.


Every woman that goes on record to defend a man accused of sexual harassment is an asshole of the highest order. I don’t give a damn if it’s your daddy or your fucking husband. Sending women out in front to shield a wrong-doing man should induce eye-rolling in everybody. Your uteruses can’t vouch for nobody!!!

I used to think that religion was the root cause of misogyny. But when I realised that every single male dominated culture on the planet is rotten to the core with misogyny, whether it’s secular or sectarian, civil or military, public or private...

The windows of planes aren’t windows, they’re actually video screens so you can’t see that you aren’t really flying, you’re just sitting on the tarmac waiting for your turn to be teleported to your destination.

My favorite will always be the No Trees debate. So good.

According to them Antarctica is the edge and it’s an impassable ice wall. I’m not sure why a plane can’t just fly over it.