Yes. I was reading about him earlier today. Et tu, Jordan Catalano?
Yes. I was reading about him earlier today. Et tu, Jordan Catalano?
People faint sometimes, it’s not really a big deal.
There was a blogger post here a few years back about maintenance sex and one disturbing thread involved a guy talking about masterbating in bed next to his wife after she had already declined sex, but agreed to let him finish on her but to clean her up if she fell asleep before it happened. The disturbing part was the…
Yep. Lindsay Lohan has made public allegations about being sexually assaulted by Ratner. Of course no one believed her, it’s too easy to dismiss her as a drugged up freak. But then, what could drive a young woman to try to numb herself and erase parts of her own mind? Perhaps being sexually assaulted and then dragged…
The end game to masturbating in front of an unwilling woman is to get the sick pleasure of involving her in something sexual against her will. It’s also a way to test for victims who have the freeze response and don’t run. Most abusers test boundaries in various ways before escalating to outright assault.
I still can’t get over the fact that she looks like she saw a ghost. I half expected her to leap straight up, run in place in the air for a few seconds, then dash off with a cloud of dust in her wake.
I honestly thought it was part of her costume, Trump’s America.
What kind of racist comment is that about Munn? “She wasn’t Asian back then.”
The “driving through a crowd” style terrorist attacks are usually very meticulously planned to ensure maximum damage, so they go for large crowds, not a normal walkway on an average day. If they had, say, targeted Times Square during New Year’s, that would be much more their style. Here in Europe, this type of attack…
Sanders doesn’t actually give a shit about any of the social justice stuff his followers think he does, much like most of his followers who are Facebook activists.
he spoke out about being against gay marriage as late as 2007 on cspan, he only supported civil unions in his state 2 days before the vote for them when it…
Remember when Bernie wasn’t even a Democrat? Because that was only 2 years ago.
This isn’t just a case of semantics. This is Bernie. It’s his core belief that only when straight white guys get everything they want will the rest of us benefit.
Sanders is a veteran politician with decades of experience. Please do NOT come at us with the ‘he doesn’t know any better’/Trump defense. Just don’t. If Sanders considered marginalized communities the actual equal of ‘ordinary Americans’ ie lower and middle income Whites, he certainly knows how to say that.
He also backed a pro-life democrat in Illinois. He sees women’s reproductive issues a bartering issue, when we know damn well that reproductive freedom is economic freedom and restrictive reproductive care will impact WOC more than white women. Fuck that shit Bernie Sanders
If he meant to include everyone, then we don’t have to “work in two ways.”
Sanders can go to hell. He’s been more than happy to legislatively throw poor black & brown folk under the bus & turn around to say his hands are tied can because he’s there to represent (lily-white) Vermont. Which is to say, he’s a “socialist” without the solidarity. Dude’s held one elected office or another for more…
Old man rambling on late night tv. And some people want him to run again in ‘20. Nope. The reason so many people felt the Bern was because he sold them on pie in the sky dreams. Telling them what they wanted to hear. “Student loan forgiveness, $15 dollar minimum wage and healthcare for all!”. Good on paper, but with…
Can I add that this is a man who’s been in congress for nearly 30 years and hasn’t accomplished shit? His colleagues are always at a loss to point to any meaningful legislation that he’s contributed to (although he claims to have been instrumental in a lot of it). But sure, he’s “working for the people.” Fuck off.…
And this is why Bernie Sanders ain’t worth shit in my book. He perpetuates that idiotic belief that “working class” people are only white people. Ordinary = white working class.
Drugs? I think Selena has hidden it fairly well, but I think she had a bad drug habit. The Weeknd makes no bones about his use.