You shouldn’t talk about sex at work.
You shouldn’t talk about sex at work.
I’m not even jewish but equating being jewish with Zionism and the right wing government in Israel is just plain antisemitism. She’s saying Israel shouldn’t exist. I’m not even jewish but I will not support a racist extremist like Sarsour. What I don’t get is why she gets a pass and people would rather direct their…
Lol, Kevin spacey doesn’t give a damn about the struggles of the average gay man, otherwise he wouldn’t have spent the last few decades so far in the closet he was in Narnia
And now it begins!
Personally for women at least Im gonna go with upwards of 95% to be honest.
Anthony Rapp is over a decade older than I am, but even back when I was a kid my gay friends were hooking up with much older men off of Craigslist like it was the most natural thing in the world. It’s infinitely disturbing that his mother didn’t care, but maybe this is what she was alluding to? I mean, any mother who…
lots of men have come out with their own sexual harassment stories also. i’m wondering were any of them asked what they were wearing or why didn’t they say something sooner?
He doesn’t realize how guilty these moves make him look. Only a control freak intent on looking like the good guy and victim gets it this wrong on so many different levels. Those gestures weren’t for her. They were to make sure other people saw it so that they would think he is a loving father who is desperate to…
Go fuck yourself. These white supremacist TERRORISTS deserve whatever they get, male or female, under 65 or over 65- just like rapists and pedophiles deserve whatever they get.
ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn
How many actresses have had their careers derailed because of sex perverts in the film industry not getting their way? I mean, I could name a lot of actresses who were big names for like a minute then - poof - never saw them again. Now it all kind of makes sense. Just horrible.
I’m sure that this was all due to economic anxiety.
Other countries manage to have free societies while restricting public displays of Nazism. Of course, other countries manage to remain free and peaceful while restricting access to firearms, too. If the guns aren’t keeping the Nazis in check, I say we get rid of both of them.
Oh, he really does look like he misses you! He’s so adorable!
Chainsmokers have been smoking way too much.
but with some people it really is a sign of a pattern of behaviour, of a lack of self-control. these guys think they can eat whatever they want and look as bad as they do (not just overweight but they also look sloppy and gin-blossomed and have bad facial hair/grooming) and still have the right to be grabbing at young…
But that’s his wife’s call to make, not his and not the commenters. You cannot earn redemption by withholding important information from another person and making a decision for another person.
But that presumes the wife would want to stay with him. I don’t want to be married to someone who’s cheated on me, even if it was only once, even if they’re committed to me again now, even if they’re incredibly sorry, even if they swear it will never happen again. There is NO excuse for not telling her because that’s…
if your friend can’t prioritize the fact that you’re in a lot of pain in a fucking hospital rather than yammering on about her offspring, she’s not a very good or supportive friend, and i suggest you find new ones
The sea would be slightly better. There a chance someone would find you and get to you, as happened here.