
That narrative ONLY works if other women and girls aren’t “Their own God” in the exact same way. She actively shills for products that don’t tell women “like, totally LOL love you!”, but in turn tell them what can and should be “improved”. No person that sold their employer/ BFFs secrets to get famous is worth

Maybe mellinials, who have less of a sense of history than their elders, have some difficulty understanding that women have been fighting-for centuries- to be more than a piece of a$$. Someone can be “sex positive” without placing all their worth on their surgically enhanced breasts and buttocks. I want to be

The sheer success of the fake products they peddle online says otherwise. The sold out lip kits, “waist trainers” etc say otherwise, as does the popular aesthetic changing to a Kardashianized version in the US.

Part of it is also that she’s well...right?

What’s wrong with making fun of idiots like the Kardashians?

Crate train them ASAP, the younger you teach them that their crate is “their” space and reward them with rawhides, the better.

You can literally die any day at any moment by anything ranging from being hit by a bus or having a freak aneurysm. Save as you will, but if you’re missing out on things you’d like to do/experience now thinking you’d be able to do them in the future anyways, just be warned.

White women are trained by white women and men to tie up their entire self worth in relation to white men. That is their patriarchy. And for that reason white women will always self destruct when push comes to shove. This is not shocking. What is galling is that they have the audacity to think they can lead equality

Where is his belly button??? That’s creeping me out ! Like, seriously, WHERE IS IT???

I GARONTEE the Beckizillas and Chads won’t be all up in this comment section discussing and decrying this incident.

She has a science room. And reads the MIT Department of Materials Science and Engineering for funsies. She named her experiment after the Greek goddess (Titan) of fresh water.

Yeah, you should be eaten alive for this comment. Even if it was “just” digital penetration, that is something that permanently alters your ability to trust people. Bodily integrity is bodily integrity. That old stranger-in-the-bushes trope is bullshit, and you’re showing your ass here in a big way by basically saying

Yeah, the whole heroin addict-rock star thing works out fine for their audiences, not so much for their kids. I imagine she had to do a lot of work to come to grips with his “legendary awesomeness” vs. her childhood’s reality. I say this as a huge Nirvana fan and as an addiction therapist.


I think she does - but I also think its probably hard to think he was also a drug addict and committed suicide. I mean his awesomeness was driven by a much darker side sadly.

Christ, people, leave that poor family alone. They’ve had more than enough of your psycho batshit for the past 20 years.

I agree that understanding consent is a vital part of being a well-functioning human. This abuser didn’t need more education though. He knew he was wrong. When she woke up (he says he thought she was awake all the time, but somehow can also pinpoint the moment when she “made clear she was awake”) he immediately

First off, thanks for sharing. You are very brave. Second, I am just so filled with rage at this guy’s response. I assume you made a choice not to use the word “rape” because it might shut him down. But he never owned up. He never said “I sexually assaulted you.” He kept referring to “what happened,” like it was the

I’m not even sure he thought he should feel guilty. The way it reads is that he came to the immediate realization that the life he was living was over and lamented that fact. He fucked up, he got caught, and he was going to have to pay for it.

I can understand why you’d believe that a married couple, “becomes one,” as this is a very old idea enshrined in Christianity (and other religions) as well as English common law and through these traditions it remains a feature of American law: you cannot be compelled to testify against your spouse because the Fifth