
I love this new version of the male apology: the one that invokes pity on the person apologizing rather than the actual victims.

Let’s face it - he was shocked Harvey finally got thrust into the public eye for it.

Please let this serial rapist and assaulter go to jail like he deserves. THAT is what needs to fucking happen.

So. It’s not cool to shut down his speech. Protest outside all you want (rightfully so), but shutting him down from speaking isn’t cool. Letting mob rule silence someone just because their ideas are disgusting is wrong.

I’m sorry (not sorry) but I’m getting angrier and angrier about this the more I think about it. If your takeaway message after ALL. THIS. Sexual assault and harassment fuckery (that you presumably notice on the front page of JEZEBEL) is:

If I’m never approached by another guy, ever, for the rest of my life, I’d die a happy person. There is absolutely nothing I hate more than minding my own business out in public and having my day be ruined by some dude with no boundaries.

Not a different standard.

lol you really don’t get it. You being terrible at social situations is mostly your fault. Women being punished in professional settings is in no way their fault

*Reads answer to LW1*

I think that’s just a clever/cute way to say “never had sex before”

Yeah, I’m a bit worried about how people seem to be conflating the two. I formerly worked in an industry where virtually everyone was cheating or had cheated on their spouse at some point. Most people had at least two divorces under their belts. A few of the guys would sleep with literally anyone who was willing.

It’s possible in the case of some of them. It’s a large company, and I’m sure the ones that were actively covering for Harvey and enabling his behaviour were a small inner circle. The others were either unaware or, in the case of women, had been victims themselves and were silent because they didn’t want to lose their

Ok, this is very beautiful and obviously super difficult to do. But it’s dancing. It’s an art but I can’t see it as a sport.

Very impressive. Highly athletic. Not a sport.

Yow know what I love? An activity designed around an activity that originates from a profession that is the very definition of the male gaze being elevated into a “sport” by cool girls that totally want to tell you about how empowered they are.

Hmmmm... just a guess, but a predominately male board decided this was something they enjoyed watching and could now make it an official part of their job. Strip club tax write-offs.

Right? I don’t think anyone is arguing that pole dancing is not difficult. There are any number of difficult tasks that people perform, why are we picking this one to elevate?

David. Just stop already.

YES. Sure, daddy issues exist and sure, some young women date older guys, but CHILDREN OF SCHOOL GOING AGE DO NOT WANT YOUR WRINKLY BALLS. And on the off chance that they’re riddled with issues and they do direct their tidal wave of hormones towards you, you are the adult man who should keep his grubby little fingers