
Huh, yet the article only makes a couple of small asides about Bernie Sanders.

The word you’re looking for is:

Funny how all these ‘manifesting a new world’ cults always seem to subjugate and abuse women. It’s like men are all ‘how do I get all the sex I want? I know! I’ll start a religion! Make ‘em think they have to!’

As a resident of a part of the country where cattle frequently bust out of their fencing, I can’t help but wonder what those two men in the top photo thought there were going to do with that rope draped between them. Ask the bull to join them for some jump rope?

My facebook is 70% women, and very feminist-leaning: there was a lot of “me too” statuses, and it was far more about solidarity, recognising that we support and believe each other, than it was about trying to get men to change their views. As many of us pointed out, those statuses were “liked”/”reacted” to and

Please. Beur men are primarily the ones who propositioned me on the street, masturbated in front of me constantly and bothered me when I’d sit on a bench in the park.

Agressive catcalling is a huge problem throughout France! It can take an upsetting turn if you try to ignore it. I’ll never forget the night two men thought it would be fun to hang back a few feet and follow my friend and I through Paris for half an hour, calling to us and laughing. Or the time a random old man in a

I lived in the South of France for two years, working at a university, and it was hell. The highlight of my day was getting off the tram for work, and little boys running up to whisper “whore” into my ear. In my desperation, I joined an anti-street harassment group, which was a) taken over by a man who made constant

French Canadian here and no, kissing someone’s hand is *not* how we do it here. We do the two-cheek kiss thing, but only in more familiar settings.

Jesus, how can anyone forget? He fucking cause her cyst to burst! Every time someone brings up Fassenbender I’m like “that dude burst a woman’s uterus!” It’s an exaggeration, I know, but it’s the image I have after reading that. And I feel like I can’t do him bad enough considering.

Considering this is a group of people who had to have the meaning of unanimous explained to them at least twice in relation to a pretty commonly known foundation of jury trials, I’m not as surprised as I would be.

Macklemore is jealous of the attention Eminem got for his anti-Trump bit.

Sophie. Sophie.

Are you being sarcastic? That seems like a slightly unhealthy level of codependency. Not being able to continue your normal life when your partner goes away for 21 days?

Um, having lived in Manhattan for 20 years and been witness to it all, I can assure you that the people having sex outdoors are the last people you would ever want to see naked.

Despite what postmodernism made you think, “objective reality” does exist.

Apologies if anyone has already posted this.

He’s a guy of ordinary intelligence who’s under the impression he’s brilliant due to a combination of straight white dude and knowing a lot of people dumber than him. It’s one of the most irritating personality types.

I can’t decide if Kutcher is a dumb guy or not, but there’s something annoying about him.

Women directors seems to be a good starting point for changing on set culture. When I studied business management one of my lecturers said no one can change a workplace culture from the bottom up. Has to be top down to be effective.