
Male behavior is not extremely similar and constant across all cultures, ethnicities, nationalities and time periods.

Why do you talk like an alien? I barely understood 30% of your keyboard vomit. 

Didn’t they stop the trial because a lot of women started leaving their abusive husbands?

What I believe he is saying is that there are men fighting against men who behave that way.

I’m not English and have never been to England.

Are you saying that gay and trans males don’t benefit (and support) from keeping women down in the workplace (and world in general)?

Thanks boo 😘


It’s ok. I’m fine now.

Statistically speaking approximately half of women (and men), have below average IQs. It doesn’t make the broad generalizations “women are stupid” a fact.

As someone who grew up as a “Muslim” (daddy’s side of the family), true.

They are wrong. Not because they are generalisation, but because these are hypothesis that can be proven to be false either through direct measurement and through observation (although I’m not familiar with the pitbull debate).

If I say “humans are a bipedal species”, is it wrong because it’s a “generalisation”?

Yeah, no one wants to admit it, but neuroscience has proven (again and again) that men have a more active amygdala (more testosterone receptors on it) which makes them more reactionary and paranoid to “threats” that aren’t even there.

Males call female body parts and women in general ugly and repulsive all the time and have been for millenia.

Men say that vaginas are disgusting and “fishy” all the time tho. Why get upset when women do the same?

Yeah, you would. Because men can’t be held responsible for harassing women (as they are permanently in a child-like state), laws were written (by men, obviously) to make it hard for men to actually face consequences for their action.

I don’t care about boys and “healthy masculinity”. I’m specifically referring to you blaming women for male behaviour.

You’d have a hard time convincing anyone in the justice system that saying “this person is a good boyfriend” is a punishable “crime”.  

Yeah, crazy how I don’t consider women responsible for males assaulting and raping women.