Wanting to get paid?
Wanting to get paid?
No one is enabling men except men. If you can’t be held responsible for your own actions, petition to permanently be considered minors.
Must run in the family.
How do you explain that the majority of “women of colour” didn’t?
He rapped about punching Lana del Rey in the face like two years ago.
Women can enablers of the toxic masculinity problem also.
Male nurses will inevitably cause a huge hike in sexual harassment lawsuits by patients = bad for hospitals.
I don’t see many men clamouring to work in sanitation or on oil rights either.
A 6?
I distinctly remember the guy with the helmet as his avatar making a rape joke right here on Jez under an article about Brock Tuner. Don’t know why he was still given a voice here after that.
Damon stepped up a log time ago:
Yeah, and virtually every profession has abusers and rapists. Great argument there friend.
You’re so nice. Have a good night too.
You in stage 1 girl.
Hunty ;)
There is absolutely no indication that BDSM practitioners care consider consent “sacred”. The study I linked shows that people don’t tell to give “controversial” answers in surveys, it’s a well documented phenomenon. Not many people who support sexual assault/abuse are going to admit it when asked.
Thanks :)
Is anyone saying otherwise?
You’re a man? That honestly explains why you’re so eager to defend sexual violence.
Congrats on comparing the struggles of people oppressed for being how they were born to people criticising sexual abusers.