
Expect that laws are written by men and change over time. Domestic violence was legal until about the 20th century and most countries criminalised martial rape only towards its end. That only happened because a subset of women were, as you say, judgemental and believed that abuse in the home should be unacceptable. 

Are you implying that the only women in America are white? Because way to erase all the “women of color” who have been fighting for their rights far longer and harder than American white women have. 

And thank god for arbiters of what is and isn’t normal. Otherwise, domestic violence and rape would still be legal.

So you finally admit that you believe that some people deserve to be abused?

I’m not the one defending abuse here mate.

So according to the “modern worldview that words mean what they say” who’s victim blaming? The person who believes that someone deserves to be abused because they are “asking for it”, or the person who states that people with self-harming tendencies deserve help and safety?

The self-reported rate for sexual assault (which was the metric used in the study I linked) in the general population is 1 out of 4. For the “kink community” that claims to be all about consent, it’s 1 out of 3.

At least colleges admit that they have a big sexual assault problem and there are conversations going on about it. The BDSM community on the other hand, keeps harping on about how everything they do is consensual and throws fits anytime someones question their practises.

Right. So you admit that BDSM communities foster abuse and attract abusive people. Good, we’re making some progress.

Nope. Guess again hunty ;)

I absolutely would. Why?

Kind of sounds like your victim blaming.

Considering the fact that I come from a country that barely has any white people, I would really like for you to explain to me how, exactly, feminists here alienated anyone that wasn’t white. Or are you not aware of the fact “women of color” (as you call them) have been leaders of feminist movements all over the world?

I do. But statistics show that there is a larger aggregation of “bad people” in the BDSM community than in rest of the population. Why is that?

Thank you. A lot of people on here refuse to do any intellectual work and rarely question cultural sexual practises.

How does it come from a different place of self-harm? It’s funny how no one was able to articulate it.

The data I presented supports that 1 in 3 people in the “community” have had their consent violated, which is higher than the general population. Not sure how you got “consent is a foundational concept” from that.

People who have to pretend to rape someone during sex just to get off are the ones who are dull and bland?

Please explain to me the difference. If you want to physically hurt yourself, does it matter if you do it on your own or ask someone else to do it for you?