
I linked to another person here a study about consent in the BDSM community. Any lifestyle that involves 1 in 3 people getting sexually abused (this is more than the general population with different studies ranging from 1 in 4 to 1 in 6) should be scrutinised.

The BDSM community are people, not some enlightened demi-gods who have a better understanding of consent than the rest of us.

I don’t think I ever had sex with the lights off. Nor have I ever covered myself or my partner in mayonnaise.

I would never call someone broken or gross for something they do to themselves. Unless you insisted that your partners participate in your “kinks” against their will, it was very inconsiderate and uncalled for. People should go to therapy because they want to help themselves, not to please others.

Hmm, interesting. I always thought that they were more of a tabloid a la Bild.

Did you refer them to a therapist?

Yeah he mentioned being a gay man in some posts I’ve seen.

Aggressive and violent sex is a fetish that normal people do too.

the rampant nationalism it helped propagate

No movement can be successful through alienating perspective supporters.

Am I the only one who feels like “feminists” forgot that patriarchy is a system that was consciously set up by men and benefits men?

I don’t know...I feel that it’s pretty strange for a man to be that obsessed with vaginas that he would choose a profession that involves looking at them every working day.

Probably because women tend to be smaller in size so men do not fear serious physical retaliation for harassment, assault, etc. This is why I have always been a big proponent of self-defence for women.

The medical establishment has a history of being awful when it comes to women’s health (especially pregnancy) and health choices. Pointing it out is not treating “expertise” as “elitism”, it’s just an objective view of reality.

Yes because Spanish is a language with the concept of grammatical gender. People are still classified as men and women (hombres and mujeres) not as masculine or feminine.

Well as long as they are fruit bats. Even baby vampire bats are pretty fugly.

“Gender” seems to be an Anglo-Saxon, and even more precisely American, thing/phenomenon. Other languages just use one word which would translate to the English understanding of “sex” and don’t have the word “gender”.

Can’t do much about overpopulation though.

So are you asking for spoilers or nah?

I am the bigot because I don’t believe that the government — any government — should tell me what to wear.